So some one my friends owed me money, and since school almost over and i won't really be seeing him, i decided to make him pay me. He didn't have the money

so he offered an ipod touch 16gb instead, he said he was getting a new one and he was gonna sell it, so now i got a Touch, just finished jailbreaking it :p
Now to find out where to get apps...
i have an iphone 3g and ipod 2g so cool! welcome to the fold lol... apps you get from places like mininova and other places with like that..
Azumi Wrote:i have an iphone 3g and ipod 2g so cool! welcome to the fold lol... apps you get from places like mininova and other places with like that..
O.O thanks azumi. Any good place yoo recommend to download themes? im horrible with designing
* Mickey just realized he can now watch anime on the go again 
Cool. Go into Cydia and install Winterboard. From there, just check out the themes made for Winterboard.
but there more what's the word,
cleanish theme's
If your looking for anime themes and such, google
Ty rikku, demonchild.
Any way to sync avi videos to it without converting?
i have iphone3g and itouch 2g you should install mobile patch to install IPA format apps.
vinrose67 Wrote:i have iphone3g and itouch 2g you should install mobile patch to install IPA format apps.
I did :D
but took me an hour because i forgot to install a downloaded app
Seriously, don't pirate official Apps. I mean, iPhone/iPod apps aren't expensive enough that you need to rob the developers of their already small revenue. I mean, something like iFart or whatever banal shit people push now isn't that bad to pirate, as it doesn't take that much effort to make those. Fieldrunners or Galcon or Aqua Forest, ie, quality pieces of software, though, you want to pay for. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears went into those, and they're usually made by indie developers who need the money. Just putting my two cents in, as a registered iPhone developer who is struggling to make an app. :)
Like others said, just install Winterboard, and from there, have fun with themes and games and apps on Cydia, and if you want, I can recommend a few awesome official SDK apps :)