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^^ tamaki kousaka's hair almost looks like cat ears so its close i guess.. you'll seen in a few...
ill see if i can find an actual nekomimi figure.. id want one too and ill give ya links if i find any

took the pics of the three i got today.. take a look and leave a comment
I can probably get some stuff from Play-Asia, but it freaking overpriced (since its directly converted from $)
feinicks Wrote:I can probably get some stuff from Play-Asia, but it freaking overpriced (since its directly converted from $)

yeah actually i got the evangelion ones and tamaki kousaka from play asia... i don't really like play asia anymore though.. shipping takes forever and i don't like how they do pre orders.... its says all over the site that they don't charge before before its shipped to you but they done it to me twice already...  j-list is pretty good and ships within 4 day to where i live.. it doesn't have as much as play asia but it does have hard to get stuff like the haruhi one (i got from there).. plus they tell you if there are onlu a couple in stock which i like.. play asia has release dates that say stuff like april 2009, and if you keep checking for it to be released, it never is!! i ordered a cd on released day and a month later it still said it wasn't out yet.. cancel
Azumi Wrote:
feinicks Wrote:I can probably get some stuff from Play-Asia, but it freaking overpriced (since its directly converted from $)

yeah actually i got the evangelion ones and tamaki kousaka from play asia... i don't really like play asia anymore though.. shipping takes forever and i don't like how they do pre orders.... its says all over the site that they don't charge before before its shipped to you but they done it to me twice already...  j-list is pretty good and ships within 4 day to where i live.. it doesn't have as much as play asia but it does have hard to get stuff like the haruhi one (i got from there).. plus they tell you if there are onlu a couple in stock which i like.. play asia has release dates that say stuff like april 2009, and if you keep checking for it to be released, it never is!! i ordered a cd on released day and a month later it still said it wasn't out yet.. cancel

Yeah... but for me the biggest issue is that its directly converted... >_> makes things thrice as expensive as it should be!
feinicks Wrote:
Azumi Wrote:
feinicks Wrote:I can probably get some stuff from Play-Asia, but it freaking overpriced (since its directly converted from $)

yeah actually i got the evangelion ones and tamaki kousaka from play asia... i don't really like play asia anymore though.. shipping takes forever and i don't like how they do pre orders.... its says all over the site that they don't charge before before its shipped to you but they done it to me twice already...  j-list is pretty good and ships within 4 day to where i live.. it doesn't have as much as play asia but it does have hard to get stuff like the haruhi one (i got from there).. plus they tell you if there are onlu a couple in stock which i like.. play asia has release dates that say stuff like april 2009, and if you keep checking for it to be released, it never is!! i ordered a cd on released day and a month later it still said it wasn't out yet.. cancel
Yeah... but for me the biggest issue is that its directly converted... >_> makes things thrice as expensive as it should be!

hmm you know ive never once bother to try and convert prices... ok so the haruhi figure i bought cost me $98 usd and shipping brought to about $110 usd...  *pulls out currency converter... damn that's over 10,000 yen... hold up though lots of stuff i bought i don't even know the price because it was yen and i was lazy.. lets see.. *breaks out converter again... damn ive bought cd+dvds that cost 2,500 yen... that's $25 and not including shipping...  feel kinda dumb when i can just download it but i like have a real one in my hands!!! and pretty pictures to look at

all hail Azumi, king of long and boring post
better pics because i learned about lighting and decided to touch them up in PS any here goes

[Image: reimermaid1.jpg]

[Image: reimermaid2.jpg]

[Image: reimermaid3.jpg]

[Image: reimermaid4.jpg]

[Image: asukamermaid3.jpg]

[Image: asukamermaid1.jpg]

[Image: asukamermaid2.jpg]

[Image: asukamermaid4.jpg]

tomarrow hopefull i should have my Yoko from gurren figure.. its really nice and i hope its sunny so i can get a good pic... i don't have proper lighting to take good pics.. and flash is bad for pvc figures
Those pictures look alot better that the other ones
here a peek at my newest figure... i loaned out my good camera and have to settle for using my phone... a little blurry cause the phone focused on the backround.... but heres the one good i got out of it... more when i get my good camera back
[Image: IMG_0022.jpg]

its YOKO!!!!! and wearing almost nothing!!!! so ecchi
lol you phone was focused on background not the figurine
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