Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Azumi's Anime Figure Collection
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^^ thanks nico... i just had to do that..
just wait till the rest of the stuff i ordered gets here and ill have some cooler ones like the haruhi figure to post pics on.. i preoreded this - http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-8x-4...-3a5j.html
and have three in the mail now lol
are you a shopaholic lol
getting that too... hoping to find black version but white will do
iam a shopaholic yes
that's the first step is admitting you have a problem lol
I like the gothic lolita Haruhi the best.
I have I few figures myself, I'd take pictures if I was bothered.
<3 haruhi lolita one.

i have 2, Chii and Mikuru, both are good detailed though :p
[Image: P11-06-08_1547.jpg]
[Image: DSCF0095.jpg]
[Image: DSCF0096.jpg]

fufufu, the underskirt part is all mine >:)

and i also have a real death notes :D (actually 2 of them)
upskirts for the win :P


i like the kitty too :P

my japanese sackboy should be arriving any month now from hong kong :D
what cat girl?
^^ no the actual cat.. i don't have any neko girl figures... yet....

anyways.. WOOHOO.. three more (good ones actually) arrived in the mail today, so more pics later today when i get the camera out and open the boxes

@schmilk.....  *wants pics of sackboy when you get it!!!
i like the pic of the real sacboy you sent me that that girl made... i say real like theres a fake or something LOL

btw.. the ones i got today are Tamaki Kosaka from ToHeart2, and Rei and Asuka from NGE... next im getting this really moe versions of shana and kasumi in gym outfits
i wish i could find a nekogirl figure. :/

lol. I'll keep looking.
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