09/05/2007, 12:44 PM
09/05/2007, 01:15 PM
Wee will see when it's out.
09/05/2007, 02:26 PM
1 hope this 2 is n0 ture 7
09/05/2007, 02:57 PM
i just hope its custimizable, cause if all the new games need a 4.xx firmware wee would need to do another upgrade.. o well, dax is smarter then sony anyways..
09/05/2007, 03:30 PM
I think 4.xx OE will add yet another useless feature - like a radio that you have to purchase from Sony for like $50.
09/05/2007, 04:06 PM
z7shaft Wrote:4.xx OE is the most possible thing wee are going to get since its software
but what about hardware? if sony went nuts changing things in it... or maybe even adding things! like something that detects the version and corrupts if detects that the firmware is below 4.xx...
actually going by sonys past form i wouldnt put this past them. they simply won't see that the damage it would cause to there sales would be seconded only by those using hacked firmwares.
if they make major hardware changes it could technically be called the psp2 and that means, *drumroll*, the firmware will be incompatible with previous psp's. this could be what's meant. even if the psp itself isn't different in the specs it doesn't follow that the firmware will be compatible. wee have seen a version of this with the ta-082 and ta-086 revisions. i think this will be an extension of that.
*EDIT* LOL Zinga.
09/05/2007, 04:41 PM
Lol i don't really assume dax and c+d will be able to crack it just as easy as previous updates...
by the way this is way too likely to happen to be untrue..
i just hope they doont do it to the red psp, iwant that wan!!
by the way this is way too likely to happen to be untrue..
i just hope they doont do it to the red psp, iwant that wan!!
09/05/2007, 04:46 PM
Yeah but they would have more RAM than normal PSPs if they were PSP2s 9that name sounds really stupid) "oh look i have a PSP2 lets make fun of me"
what the... is 1207? is it an error code?
what the... is 1207? is it an error code?
09/05/2007, 05:01 PM
No its a numba i need to remember
09/05/2007, 05:02 PM
why? is it being put everywhere?