Endless Paradigm

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I'll do it if I manage to get the time... Erk
I'll be waiting bro zinga for that infobar......
this night zinga
shouldn't be hard to port it as common_gui.prx hasn't changed that much.
i might do it when i bored enough and no one else has converted it ...
meanwhile I'm inactive ;p
I wish i could do it but I'm just no good at this poo poo :(
Urgh, not in the mood to complete it - it's sooo tedious :S

Here's some I've found so far.  Note that I'm actually starting from scratch - ie not using bstronga's values.
0x1724causes a weird shade to appear in the delete confirmation screen when set to certain values (ie 0 or 1024); can cause PSP to freeze on other values
0x3CACsome submenu-context menus have shorter selection rectangles when set to certain values; can cause PSP to freeze on others
0x439Ccauses top level context menu to stay onscreen when viewing Information screen when set to certain values (like 0); can cause PSP to freeze on other values
0x5B40the X position at which the context menu will slide open to; submenu-context menus seem to go a little more to the left than this value
0x5C00width of the selection box in the context menu; for submenu-context menus, the selection box seems to be a little wider than this value
0x5CB0the initial X position of the context menu for the animation that displays when you open up the context menu
0x5CB4alpha of the context menu
0x5CD4time the animation takes to show the context menu
0x5CD8the ending X position of the context menu, for the animation that displays when you close the context menu
0x5CE0time to perform the alpha fadeout effect when closing the context menu
0x5CE4time to perform alpha fadein when opening the context menu
0x5CECalpha of context menu

I've looked up to 0x5D00...
Yayks well i searched from Bstronga values :

Fixed Offsets :  CHECK FIRST PAGE
Thanks gsmoke :)  Good work!
Well this is a test:

Try to put image 128x272(set visible dimensions to 120x272)--- only for english language
Second infobar = image = 240X175
No fades.

Edit: its not working only freezes.

Edit2 : second test is atached only 144x272
wow nice finds.
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