Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anime Funsubbing Contest Round 1 Entries
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Yeah... so long as its supposed to be funny subs.. though having 2-3 people choose an anime clip and others working on it will be better.
Alright, planning to do a second round.
What anime do people suggest?  Give an episode number too if you can.
I say take a fairly popular series (like Lucky Star) that people are familiar with. This is supposed to be funny subbing anyways... so it would be better if people are comfortable with the characters!
Okay, Lucky Star - suggestions for episodes?
Other suggestions, anyone?
I was thinking of Otogi-Jūshi Akazukin (おとぎ銃士 赤ずきん) because it seems so unknown outside of Japan, more unknownity equal weird joke subs. However it's so unknown outside of Japan that I don't think they're any RAWS for it. I reckon I was pretty lucky to find hard subs of it.
Interestingly enough, I've actually heard that one before (it's in my OST collection).

^ so yes, it has been subbed.
Sparker Wrote:I was thinking of Otogi-Jūshi Akazukin (おとぎ銃士 赤ずきん) because it seems so unknown outside of Japan, more unknownity equal weird joke subs. However it's so unknown outside of Japan that I don't think they're any RAWS for it. I reckon I was pretty lucky to find hard subs of it.

Raws come from Japan, not America... So I don't see why there wouldn't be any raws, just because it's not very known outside Japan.

Did a search, found craploads of raws.
Assassinator Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:I was thinking of Otogi-Jūshi Akazukin (おとぎ銃士 赤ずきん) because it seems so unknown outside of Japan, more unknownity equal weird joke subs. However it's so unknown outside of Japan that I don't think they're any RAWS for it. I reckon I was pretty lucky to find hard subs of it.

Raws come from Japan, not America... So I don't see why there wouldn't be any raws, just because it's not very known outside Japan.

Did a search, found craploads of raws.


You know what, I fail :p
a good one to sub is the one with all the RAGE, epic facial emotion/action. chose one like that.
Just pick something rawwrr :3
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