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MAtiaz himself posted about a new hope for the PSP3k , ihope it leads to something.
For now is only hello world for the Phaty.


Quote:Hello World for PSP firmware 5.03

The days of TIFF based exploits aren't long gone, at least not yet
Here's the third TIFF exploit for the PSP, enjoy.

Just copy the files to the memory stick root, disconnect USB and go to photo menu.
Don't dismiss the exploit even if it doesn't work on the first time, it's *very* unstable.
You might get it working on the first time, but you might as well have to try it 20 times!

The h.bin is loaded to 0x08800000, and the text address of paf.prx is passed in $a0 to the
binary code. You can then trick out function imports, like for example sceDisplayWaitVblankStart:

sceDisplayWaitVblankStart = (void*)(paf_addr+0x15F068);

This release works _only_ on fat PSPs. The slim version will come out later.

I'm not gonna include a list of credits here, I'll just forget some important names and then
I'll be screwed :P The people who need to be credited will know it anyway.

Have fun!

P.S. Just wait a few days, there's a bit of awesomeness coming up.

- MaTiAz
maybe a good news, lead to a downgrader?
TIFF must be one of the best image formats XD
matchung Wrote:maybe a good news, lead to a downgrader?

thatd be really nice. .. then maybe psp prices will drop again soz i can get a new one :p
boogschd Wrote:
matchung Wrote:maybe a good news, lead to a downgrader?

thatd be really nice. .. then maybe psp prices will drop again soz i can get a new one :p

yes, but maybe wait a PSP2(4000)Hihi
matchung Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:
matchung Wrote:maybe a good news, lead to a downgrader?

thatd be really nice. .. then maybe psp prices will drop again soz i can get a new one :p

yes, but maybe wait a PSP2(4000)Hihi

meh ... not another version Facepalm
wow, wasn't one of the original exploits a libtiff one?
I think 2.60 &  2.80 were .tiff exploits. (Outside the GTA:LCS UMD buffer overflow exploit)

I'll try this on my Phats when I get home later on.
gsmoke Wrote:MAtiaz himself posted about a new hope for the PSP3k , ihope it leads to something.
For now is only hello world for the Phaty.

Downgrader for PSP 3000,. but its only for the FAT psp>!? O_o>?
Vegetano1 Wrote:
gsmoke Wrote:MAtiaz himself posted about a new hope for the PSP3k , ihope it leads to something.
For now is only hello world for the Phaty.

Downgrader for PSP 3000,. but its only for the FAT psp>!? O_o>?
The exploit is a firmware thing - since the PSP 3000 can also run 5.03 firmware, which is the same code as the PSP 1000, the exploit should work on the PSP 3000, though it may need some tweaking to accommodate differences.
Pages: 1 2
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