Endless Paradigm

Full Version: LibTiff Exploit
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Pages: 1 2
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:
gsmoke Wrote:MAtiaz himself posted about a new hope for the PSP3k , ihope it leads to something.
For now is only hello world for the Phaty.

Downgrader for PSP 3000,. but its only for the FAT psp>!? O_o>?
The exploit is a firmware thing - since the PSP 3000 can also run 5.03 firmware, which is the same code as the PSP 1000, the exploit should work on the PSP 3000, though it may need some tweaking to accommodate differences.

[Image: 19.gif][Image: 19.gif][Image: 19.gif][Image: 19.gif][Image: 19.gif]

There is the file , still for 1000 psp.
I dunno, exploit news doesn't seem that exciting nowadays. It's probably because of Pandora.
Pages: 1 2
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