Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] Inner Emo! Black 5.00M33
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Use nicodemus's backgrounds but I need the original wave.

Thanks very much man. I owe you.

And can you also edit the White inner emo?
um i got the black one but I'm gonna go through and edit the white one too i guess
and your welcome no harm done for me...
also if you would see if it's a good edit since i don't have much time left i'd like for you to see and if it's not good than i know what's wrong...
Gah! sorry i accidentaly had two of my themes mixed in lol i was wondering how i had a 3MB file from this..

I'll have black here in a minute, this is the white one
Thanks very much, Punk777E,

Looking forward to the white one too. If it's not much trouble for you, can you tell me what you did to edit this theme so I won't be troubling other people in the future if I came across the same dilemma and so I can fix the problem on my own.

Thnaks, man, I owe you a lot
lol i messed up on the black one I'm gonna have to edit it real quick and sure I'll tell you tommorrow...
not enough time today..

Kay i have black one sorry for the inconvenience

OKay, Thanks man. I'll wait tomorrow for the white one. thanks.

Double Merged :

PUNK777e, your editedCTF  works fine.
Quitacet on the bottom of your post you might find edit button. ;)
Don't worry i do the same things intentionally.

This theme is classic , good Nico brought it back.
just added version with the original wave :)

EDIT: @Punk777E didn't realize u already edited my CTF...could of saved myself some time lol
It's 10 minutes of your life shouldn't hurt you

hehe trying to rickroll someone i see (your signature)
Thanks, Nicodemus and Punk777E.

Can you tell me what you did to the theme? Did you just add the system_plugin_bg.rco? Cause when i do that to the emo white, ctf manager can't compile the files to ctf. Hope you can share.
no... that has nothing to do with wave bumpiness...

It's the paf.prx in X:/Vsh/Module/ folder i had to edit everything from an original one except for the wave part...
Use Dynamic Editor and you'll need the paf.prx bookmark so...

Oh and on your CTF Manager problem use CTF Tools by Matchung it's the same thing except without the menu thing...

Tut on making CTF with CTF Tools...
Have all folders you want CTFified and put them in the same folder as the programs (this includes vsh, font, and dic)
Have a PTF in the same folder as these
Rename the PTF to default.ptf
double click CTF.exe
It will create your CTF and your done

To extract it just drag the CTF onto UNCTF.exe and your good to go...
make sure you delete folders (or move) after use otherwise files that are in this theme and not the next will be mixed in
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