Endless Paradigm

Full Version: urgent vista help
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ok i can't log on to my vista it keeps on saying my vista in not genuine and when it asks me to put my product key in it don't accept it im on ubuntu right now but i was thinking could it be something to do with my dual boot

please people i neeed urgent help
you can use a vista crack =.=
but how would i install it + i wana be legit when it comes to vista plus my vista is oem because my pc is dell
lolz.. i do have something *cugh* that makes u geniune
ok well can u pm me
uhm, u mean u paid for vista? then don't use any cracks and call micrsoft (u know, tech support, that's what u paid money for)
no it came pre installed on my dell

edit* im see if i can get windows to boot properly if it comes to the point where i have to call the pricks up i will
amzter Wrote:no it came pre installed on my dell

no, still call M$, OEM is legal version
lolz... i think its jsut gave hima  tester.. not his own copy of vista
what u mean bludevil

by the way guys i have a vista ultimate(iv always wanted to install that) should i do it with the paradox crack
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