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Full Version: urgent vista help
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did you get the vista with ur pc like with a license code or was it a trial? if it came pre installed and you have a license code sticker on the pc somewhere or something that means its genuine and you DO NOT use the crack, u call MS
lolz... *cough* i use crack....

but if u got genuine.. dun use crack if u paid for ur vista
BluDevil Wrote:lolz... *cough* i use crack....

but if u got genuine.. dun use crack if u paid for ur vista

not care if u got crack or not... :P  but he should already a licensed vista since he got it from dell....
ok i will call those penius rubbers
ok guys can i just install vista ultimate from a disk instead of calling up Microsoft because that is just long and i can't find a toll free number for the uk (if anyone could find it it would be great)
90-day no-charge support begins on the following dates:

    * From the date you place your first support call
    * For Windows Vista, from the date you activate the product


0870 60 10 100

is that toll free?
yeh i saw that look at the bottom of it u have to pay 40 quid
Double post
plus its bank holiday so i can't activate it till tomoz
yeh i saw that look at the bottom of it u have to pay 40 quid

no its free until 90 days it says
but could my dual boot de activate my vista because im baffeld why i could have done that
amzter Wrote:but could my dual boot de activate my vista because im baffeld why i could have done that

no, it won't, Linux won't and never touch or modify a windows partition..
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