Endless Paradigm

Full Version: christmas conundrums...
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Pages: 1 2 3
ProperBritish Wrote:If I were you I wouldve got a psp and removed the UMD drive, then modified in one of those dual Sd card readers off eBay into the drive bay

i had an iedea about one of those about a month back. i was thinking of modding in an old archos/ipod hard drive... nothing ever came of it though...
pspkiller Wrote:Remeber i only have a £100 budget. A quich google later finds that an N96 costs £490. I've no idea how much the N97 is going to cost, but its not going  to be less. And before anyone suggests a contract, No. Just No. I've done the math and on the  cheapest contract i could find you end up paying for the phone 6 times over. I hardly ever use my phone (a £30 piece of poo poo that does everything i want and came with a free 2gb microSD card) so i wouldnt get my money's worth.

please strt rob..... you wldn't kno how many times I've had to hear that stupid message saying your phones off
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