I did the twilight hack last week, where i put in the zelda game crashed the game the elf loaded everything installed then the hombrew channel was there i follow ameers guide. Also
http://vettacossx.wordpress.com/2008/06/...ckers-win/ doesn't work
Also should i just format my wii and start over again?
OK, well just google twighlight hack for 3.3
and re-read my post on page one, i have edited it to include more info...
everything you need should be right there... any more questions, don't hesitate to post them, and I'll do my best to help :)
Okay basicly all you need to do is use wiigator's old backup loader, since there is not much a difference between the 0.1 and 0.2
Download it here :
Then rename it to boot.dol put it in the right folder, and load with the homebrew channel
What is the the right folder ameer? lol Sorry for being such a noob guys
don't worry about it bud, i had the same problem at one point
put the boot.dol in a folder named 'backup loader' , and put that folder in the 'apps' folder.
OK. I just installed v.2 of the loader, and it does load a little faster. the video plays a little smoother (still skippy though...) and compatibility is said to be near perfect with NTSC games. People are saying Mario strikers is now playing fine on this, where it would just freeze on v.1
If you updated your Wii to v3.4, it won't work because that update blocks the cios required for ISO's to load.
OK ameer your method doesn't work i put the .dol in a folder and put it in the apps folder and the hombrew channel doesn't see it also i still can't run back ups so what im thinking of doing is uninstalling the whole zelda hack everything and then reinstalling it so how would i go about that?
are you renaming the .dol to boot.dol
No,was I ment to? Also I have a friend who's back uploaded works should I just uninstall the twilight hack I done uninstall everything and install his stuff from his sd card?