Endless Paradigm

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I see, it's Mai-Otome.

I haven't downloaded that far yet. Must be the 2nd half's song or something.
Knowing the music and knowing the name just don't seem to add up in my brain T_T
I expected someone to get that one >_>
Spoiler for not for people who can't watch cartoon boobs:
Source: EP Video
(that video compressed real crap...)

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ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I expected someone to get that one >_>


I didn't even notice you put that up... I see now that it's under the Mai-hime vid.

Damn, that was an easy one too. I would've gotten it.

As for the new one, definitely haven't heard it.
Bleach ED1: Rie Fudge you - Life Is Like a Boat

One of my favourite slow songs of all time.
I expected you to get that one ^_^

Running out of songs >_> (well, not really, but ones that are *suitable*)

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Definitely heard that one. I'm almost certain I've watched that anime too. Just can't think of it at the moment.

I haven't seen that many anime, maybe I can do a brute force check of the ones that could be... meh, cbf right now.
Blah! I know I've heard it. It's an ED. For Chobits. Raison D'etre?
Yeap, that's right :P

This one's probably a bit harder:
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I knew the last three
damn you mother
you and your computer time limiting

give me a minute this one will come to me

In a way, I think it reminds me of days from eureka seven...
but I don't think that is it, at least I don't think

now I want to say gantz...
maybe I never heard it before
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