Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
by the way jus look up anything at all on the net and then say its about utah... the "problem" is more or less the same globally like so...
metalgear08 Wrote:Jesus Tapdancing Christ. How hard is this for you people to understand? It has to be a local societal issue, and Utah county happens to have one of the highest rates of prescription drug abuse among teenagers in the US. If I could, I would write about all the wonderful things you guys mentioned, but I can't.

Ahhhh, that's what you're supposed to say Jesus Tapdancing Christ too... *sigh*

metalgear08 Wrote:And really? No ego-boosting "GOOD JOB DOING YOUR DIET LOL" comments? I feel so rejected Hihi

Rejection can be helpful sometiems.. Smokingg

Hahaha no really hows it been going recently..
J'adore le paissons Wrote:by the way jus look up anything at all on the net and then say its about utah... the "problem" is more or less the same globally like so...

Well, yeah, it's a global problem, but Utah itself has one of the highest abuse rates in the country.
metalgear08 Wrote:[REPLY AVOIDING MY POST double you tee eff?]

Senseito Sakura Wrote:
metalgear08 Wrote:[REPLY AVOIDING MY POST double you tee eff?]


OH LOL I didn't even see your post until now.

Senseito Sakura Wrote:no really hows it been going recently..

Good. Very good. My birthday is on Tuesday, I turn 18, plus, I'll be at my goal of losing 20 lbs by then Madwin
metalgear08 Wrote:Good. Very good. My birthday is on Tuesday, I turn 18, plus, I'll be at my goal of losing 20 lbs by then Madwin

oh wicked... go at it metalgear!!
I wish I gained 20 pounds
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