Endless Paradigm

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YoYoBallz Wrote:
Nacos Wrote:Write about how some of the greatest invention were made under the influence of LSD.


I third this notion.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
YoYoBallz Wrote:
Nacos Wrote:Write about how some of the greatest invention were made under the influence of LSD.


I third this notion.

write how the greatest inventors created lsd
squee666 Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
YoYoBallz Wrote:
Nacos Wrote:Write about how some of the greatest invention were made under the influence of LSD.


I third this notion.

write how the greatest inventors created lsd

The winner.
I am practically always on my own high.
I lieks to do donuts with a golf cartz,....

I do not take drugs By the way. (schools mandatory drug test this month)
YoYoBallz Wrote:write about the fact that man made drugs kill more people then hard drugs like cocaine.

no...better...write about all the alcohol related accidents, arrests, deaths in your county and conclude with "there have never been, and never will be any marijuana related deaths."  Then play some snoop dogg "smoke weed......everydayyyyyyyyy"
SchmilK Wrote:
YoYoBallz Wrote:write about the fact that man made drugs kill more people then hard drugs like cocaine.

no...better...write about all the alcohol related accidents, arrests, deaths in your county and conclude with "there have never been, and never will be any marijuana related deaths."  Then play some snoop dogg "smoke weed......everydayyyyyyyyy"

This forum has weirder threads everyday.   At least they're entertaining. xD
Jesus Tapdancing Christ. How hard is this for you people to understand? It has to be a local societal issue, and Utah county happens to have one of the highest rates of prescription drug abuse among teenagers in the US. If I could, I would write about all the wonderful things you guys mentioned, but I can't.

And really? No ego-boosting "GOOD JOB DOING YOUR DIET LOL" comments? I feel so rejected Hihi
metalgear08 Wrote:Jesus Tapdancing Christ. How hard is this for you people to understand? It has to be a local societal issue, and Utah county happens to have one of the highest rates of prescription drug abuse among teenagers in the US. If I could, I would write about all the wonderful things you guys mentioned, but I can't.

And really? No ego-boosting "GOOD JOB DOING YOUR DIET LOL" comments? I feel so rejected Hihi

1. it was just a joke man, chill down :P
2. just find info in prescripcion drug abuse on utah, and change utah for utah county or w.e.
3. Good job on your diet Madwin I've been on a diet myself, have dropped some pounds, but not as many as you (i do look slimmer though :P)
metalgear08 Wrote:Jesus Tapdancing Christ. How hard is this for you people to understand? It has to be a local societal issue, and Utah county happens to have one of the highest rates of prescription drug abuse among teenagers in the US. If I could, I would write about all the wonderful things you guys mentioned, but I can't.

And really? No ego-boosting "GOOD JOB DOING YOUR DIET LOL" comments? I feel so rejected Hihi


Good job on your diet!
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