Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How often do you take a shower!?
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Hmmm i just noticed i have't been in the shower for like a week,. O_O
This is kinda weird because i shower like 2 times a day every day usually,. Hmmm
how often do you shower!?

going to take a shower now,. ;)
I'm odd, I change often....

One half of a month I'll shower every day.... another not for a couple.... all varies really...

The lack of hot water recently has prevented me a week. but now it's back lol,.,
Where's option that says one every year?  

Usually once every two days, but if ive been out doing any form of work i will shower as soon as i get it
Every single morning. I can't function without one.  Then if I'm going out at night I'll have another beforehand.
3 times a day for me
once in the morning 1 after i get home
and one before i goto bed or goto use my computer,
twice a day :D
pretty much every morning (aka once a day)
but some days i cbf (usually holidays) and if I'm not doing anything that day, i mightn't shower til the next day :P
Assassinator Wrote:Where's option that says one every year?  


I was going to make the same joke
cR@Zy!NgLi$h Wrote:Every single morning. I can't function without one.  Then if I'm going out at night I'll have another beforehand.

I'm the same.
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