Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How often do you take a shower!?
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metalgear08 Wrote:
cR@Zy!NgLi$h Wrote:Every single morning. I can't function without one.  Then if I'm going out at night I'll have another beforehand.

I'm the same.
one a day,...I don't like feeling dirty >.<
every day, but I'll only wash my unweildly mop of waht you humans call "hair" every other day... any longer and it gets sticky...
ben3gfc Wrote:pretty much every morning (aka once a day)
but some days i cbf (usually holidays) and if I'm not doing anything that day, i mightn't shower til the next day :P

depends really, its usually once in the morning but if i do something and come back and feel nasty I'll take another shower, sometimes even after that one one before i go to bed if I'm still feeling nasty
feinicks Wrote:
metalgear08 Wrote:
cR@Zy!NgLi$h Wrote:Every single morning. I can't function without one.  Then if I'm going out at night I'll have another beforehand.

I'm the same.
the same I'm.
* SchmilK sings one of his favorites songs, Showerdays by NoFX  (from album Ribbed - 1990)

In the morning I awake
I feel my bladder about to break
I scratch my balls I rub my eyes
Just feeling lousy

My girlfriend tells me that
It's time to take a bath
I say, "No, not today, it's only Tuesday"

Once every 24 hours
I'm supposed to take a shower
That's not the way I do it
Do it do it
Personal hygiene is the last thing on my mind
I don't want to do it
Do it do it

It doesn't make a difference to me
Everyday I do the same old thing
So why should I have to be clean?
Those dreaded Wednesdays and Saturdays
Also known as shower days
I hate them

It doesn't make a difference to me
Everyday I do the same old thing
So why should I have to be clean?
Those dreaded Wednesdays and Saturdays
Also known as shower days
I hate them

But i shower every morning..except the weekends..usually I'm too lazy on saturday and sunday.

i try to shower every other day during weekdays (normally fail and end up using a shower in a can) but at weekends i have 2 a day as i work 12 hours between saturday and sunday
Well... I haven't taken a shower in... at least a year. I'm a bath man. However, when it gets to doing the whole body real quick, I combine the two.  I just can't stand having water hit me straight in the face. I have to do it myself with a wash cloth to keep myself from freaking out.  Anyways, I take average a bath once every 1.5 days.  Sometimes it is once a day, sometimes once in two days.  It used to be ~4-5 a day because I find it relaxing.  Whenever I have a new book or a new game for a handheld system, it moves up to ~4-5 times a day :s
twice a day or I feel dirty.
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