Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Light Graffiti!!!
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Hey, that's pretty awesome
Thanks for the comments guys :D

30 second exposure!!! And it has to be at night or at least dark for it to work.
That is really, really cool Madwin
wee did a project like this at work for Sprint Phones...you saw the commercials they did?  well wee had to recreate it :X  so wee made cardboard cutouts of cell phones to trace the patern becasue they wanted this animated, not just a still frame :(  So black cardboard, black backdrop, PITCH black room with an HD camera and the little keychain led lights tracing around the objects...dang it was fun, and your shots look great!!
uber awesome!

on a related subject: Graffiti Research Lab
Thanks :)
@ Schmilk - sounded kool I wish I had a prject like that :D

@PSPkiller - I saw them at the Tate modern!!!
that looks nice, that's why i want a dslr
Thanks beaner :D
They're great!
and expensive..
feinicks Wrote:and expensive..

True.....my lens alone cost $850-$1000 dunno....it cost £600.
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