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ok please explain to me what these guys are doing...


from what the video shows some dude has a laser pointer and whatever he points to stays lit?  double you tee eff??


I think this is part of what thye are doing, computer, projector, camera, laserpointer...maybe using something similar to the WIImote thing.
Source: YouTube


crazy i tell you!!! CRAAZYY!!

Yeah I think it is basically like that wimote thing but a bit different because I don't think the laser is connected to the projector...
It's nice but sorry to say OLD.
Look on youtube for this group that makes videos doing this. And I can do this with a P&S, no need for a dSLR. Just get on manual mode and play around till you can find the shutter speed and set it really long.
Tis old.
And it's mainly called light painting.
Another thing you can do is use the same settings but with a flash. put someone infront when the flash goes of then trace wings or whatever you want around them.
Oh and wht gear do you have mehhakker?
diego Wrote:It's nice but sorry to say OLD.
Look on youtube for this group that makes videos doing this. And I can do this with a P&S, no need for a dSLR. Just get on manual mode and play around till you can find the shutter speed and set it really long.
Tis old.
And it's mainly called light painting.
Another thing you can do is use the same settings but with a flash. put someone infront when the flash goes of then trace wings or whatever you want around them.
Oh and wht gear do you have mehhakker?

I know it's old and I know I don't need a dSLR >:/
That won't stop me from doing it though.....god I really hate it when people say that....

I have a Canon 20D dSLR with a 17-85mm Macro Zoom Lens that cost ALOT!!!
And I also have a really old Pentax SLR....with a Standard lens (I think).
diego Wrote:no need for a dSLR.

yep .. set your camera on night mode :D
Seriously those look awesome.

MICk3Y Wrote:the dark photos are with the camera, the lights are with photohsop. tut should be some where here: http://abduzeedo.com/
Direct Link
Dude thanks alot for those links
Wait/ you have the 17-85 IS USM?
That aint no macro lens. :)
For me I am still saving up for primes because primes trump zooms anyday.
diego Wrote:Wait/ you have the 17-85 IS USM?
That aint no macro lens. :)
For me I am still saving up for primes because primes trump zooms anyday.

It can be set as a macro :D
Yeh zooms just a good all-rounder :P
Oh haha I don't have that lens so can't tell.
Still better that my 18-55 IS kit lens.
SchmilK Wrote:ok please explain to me what these guys are doing...


from what the video shows some dude has a laser pointer and whatever he points to stays lit?  double you tee eff??


I think this is part of what thye are doing, computer, projector, camera, laserpointer...maybe using something similar to the WIImote thing.
Source: YouTube


crazy i tell you!!! CRAAZYY!!

no the WIImote came after this

i had a video posted somewhere around here with a bigger demo of that.
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