Endless Paradigm

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MehHakker Wrote:Wee should make several plots, so there are different paths for the character.

Endlessparadigm Man must watch anime and make an Endlessparadigm Man anime!
Was bored so I made a bit of a start for a story

Endlessparadigm Man is a person who dreams of becoming an anime sci-fi super hero.
he starts fulfilling his dreams by going to Japan and goes to this studio which at this point in time doesn't have a name. He meets some cowboy ninja with dual weilding pistols who happens to also have the same dreams. <enter RPG battle> after their battle of pistols and blackholes the studio which still doesn't have a name makes the cowboy ninja the friend, enemy, and rival of Endlessparadigm Man.
Later his first manga was published as Endlessparadigm Man, The Man from the void and sells OVER NINE THOUSDAND!!!!!!!! copies. continue from here, I kinda suck at writing stories.
hey zinga, why don't wee use Liquids background stories as a base story and work from there?
i think you should email him, I have a feeling he'd like the idea of his stories becoming the basis of a game plus he is the resident bullchocolateter extraordinare (is that how it is spelt).
Sorry for not replying for a while - have been a bit busy (should be a little better for a short time).

Thanks for the ideas.  @dedat: thanks - I think it might be more fun to make up a new story than use a well written one though :P

One thing I need to get now is what should wee make it with?  Originally had planned to use Game Maker, but the fact that it saves everything into one file is problematic.  RPG Maker is more for turn based RPGs (from what I can tell) so that's problematic too.
Anyone have any suggestions?

Otherwise, wee'd have to fall back on something like Visual C++ & DirectX. (which, _is_ a bit of a learning curve, but if people are willing to take up the challenge, then...)
and all the characters can be people from EP! Like zinga burga. senseito, mehhakker, diego, dedat, squee, slushba and ofcourse Chaos Panda!!!!!

Just checked Game Maker 7 (they had it installed on Uni computers, double you tee eff?) but it saves everything into a single file, and is binary based (gonna be poo poo for sharing).  Could work out if there's a way to link images to the .gmd file and there's only a small amount of people working on the game development.

Is there a way to link images, rather than embed them in the file?  Also, I need to start assigning some roles...
I would rather name the character "the Void Man"

al that you just said made no sense to me Zinga..

* feinicks heads to Google for research
Basically the format Game Maker saves your project as.  For example, when you save a Word document, it saves to a single .doc (or .docx) file.  Often development projects involve multiple files however (multiple files for different pieces of code, or separate files for images etc).  One reason for this is that it's easy to share.  Every time you update something, you don't have to upload a few MB to the server.  Also, this allows multiple people to work on stuff at the same time.

Game Maker saves everything into one file.  Good for a single developer I guess, since you won't have a whole heap of files floating around, however, makes it practically impossible to split parts up for multiple people.
A possible work around is if the file is text based (eg XML).  Version control systems like SVN can detect what part of a file you've changed, and "merge" your changes, rather than reupload a ~20MB file every time you need to update something.  However, the .gmd (Game Maker) file format is binary, thus this sort of merging doesn't exactly work well.
ZB, what Game Maker you planning to use?

GM 7 Free or Pro?
feinicks Wrote:ZB, what Game Maker you planning to use?

GM 7 Free or Pro?
Neither - it's impractical to move a few MB .gmd file around (especially with my connection).
Hope there's some game making application which actually splits files, otherwise, wee may have to fall back on something like a real platform (C++)...
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