Do you think knowing what others think about a particular show (before you watch it) affect your expectations of it much, or how you interpret it?
I think it affects my expectations, but I try to keep an open mind and will still watch and or see it.
as for my opinions not really.
If it sucked it sucked.
If it didn't then is was probably awesome.
UNLESS it was just okay
I suppose it might seem to suck a little more if everyone said it was so awesome.
so maybe that's what you were getting at.
Yeah it does, kind of. If everyone says it's excellent, then it'll generally raise my expectations of the show, which may be a bad thing.
Its affects it a little bit. If I can catch everything they mention about in the anime, it changes how I think of it usually.
It affects me a lot. Don't know why, but it does.

However I have chose what animes I watch based on their popularity - but that is irrelevant.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:However I have chose what animes I watch based on their popularity
Same. Same reason I watched Naruto in the beginning.
But back to the topic.

Vertigo Wrote:Senseito Sakura Wrote:However I have chose what animes I watch based on their popularity
Same. Same reason I watched Naruto in the beginning.
But back to the topic.

Funny you say that - I've never seen an episode of Naruto or Bleach
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Funny you say that - I've never seen an episode of Naruto or Bleach
I don't watch Bleach either.
And I think only the second season of Naruto is good.
Vertigo Wrote:Senseito Sakura Wrote:Funny you say that - I've never seen an episode of Naruto or Bleach
I don't watch Bleach either.

And I think only the second season of Naruto is good.
Dragonball Z For the win