Endless Paradigm

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Senseito Sakura Wrote:Dragonball Z For the win

Too bad it ended.

Vertigo Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Dragonball Z For the win

Too bad it ended.


Yeah. And GT was failure.....
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Yeah. And GT was failure.....


I thought the only good one was Dragonball Z out of the three
Vertigo Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Yeah. And GT was failure.....


I thought the only good one was Dragonball Z out of the three

Definitely, I do think that Dragonball was fine, though, it was a decent run up.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Definitely, I do think that Dragonball was fine, though, it was a decent run up.

I think little Goku was too chubby...

Neva! I don't really give a monkeys about reviews on anime. None of my friends watch what I like or even like the same games as me. If I like what I'm seeing after a few episodes then I'll watch all. Same goes for movies.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
Vertigo Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:Dragonball Z For the win

Too bad it ended.


Yeah. And GT was failure.....

I liked all of them! GT included! Can't wait for the motion picture!!!
MrE Wrote:I liked all of them! GT included! Can't wait for the motion picture!!!

There's going to be a motion picture? Hihi
That seem's funny to me.
Yep yep yepo! Check out youtube. I'm getting excited. Even if it's fail I'm still gonna go to the cinema to see it and buy the DVD(Preferably Blue Ray) when released!
MrE Wrote:Yep yep yepo! Check out youtube. I'm getting excited. Even if it's fail I'm still gonna go to the cinema to see it and buy the DVD(Preferably Blue Ray) when released!

Blu-ray owns so bad. Anyway, I think this is gonna be whack. Seriously. Is it going to be anime or real life stuff?
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