Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP 3000 Confirmed At Leipzig
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I'm gonna wait till it gets hacked and then buy it.
has a mic so psp skype?
lol, i got a slim 4 months ago and this happens PSSHHH

but i DEFINITELY will not buy it at that price tag for such small improvements... (until it gets around 150~200 US)
i only have 45€ in my piggybank , and i don't feel like working
so... no psp 3001 for me.

besides, there weren't made any great additions
it's great! nice to hear that!
jesus man.... really...... what does Sony is thinking???

ok... Firmware V4 is already just riddicious.... now now....

the so-called PSP - 3000....... only minor improvement over PSP - 2000... so.... Sony expect us to buy a PSP - 3000 after having brought the PSP - 2000 for only that small improvments???
Slushba132 Wrote:...that's it.

suck you sony
suck you and your psp 3000

I still like my 1000 better

Agreed for sure.
99% pandora proof 99%hack proof
wow what a huuuuuuuge changelog.

sony fails again, its getting boring now
2nd analog would have put the sales numbers THROUGH THE ROOF i tell ya!!!
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