Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Really funny jokes
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Why did the chicken cross the road?
To avoid impalement!

Why did the two vampires break up?
Their relationship was at stake!

Why did my assistant quit his job?
Because I told him I would run him through if he had any problems.

What do they call the handicapped in Asia?

Ba-dum tish!

Well I'm all out for now. You add something.
That's the point of the thread, Sushi.
Sushi Wrote:no?


Slushba will be sushi's backup
Most of them aren't that funny they involve people getting hurt in some way.

Also wee could not know to add jokes because that was never said
You must be a sensitive personality, Slushba. The only joke I told which may involve people getting hurt, is the vampire joke, and that is only emotional hurt. Also I don't think vampires are people.

You are allowed to add jokes of your own. Frankly I'd think it's a given. You don't seem to have a problem replying to threads in normal, Slushba.
Me Wrote:what is million years to you?
God Wrote:only a second.
Me Wrote:what is a billion Dollars to you?
God Wrote:only a coin
Me Wrote:Ok give me a coin
God Wrote:wait a second


A man woke up in a hospital bed and called for his doctor. He asked, “Give it to me straight. How long have I got?” The physician replied that he doubted that the man would survive the night.

The man then said, “Call for my lawyer.” When the lawyer arrived, the man asked for his physician to stand on one side of the bed, while the lawyer stood on the other. The man then laid back and closed his eyes. When he remained silent for several minutes, the physician asked what he had in mind. The man replied “Jesus died with a thief on either side. I just thought I’d check out the same way.”

xero1 is the winner.
I have some race ones, mainly Jewish.

Why do Jewish women see prostitution as a profitable business?
Ya got it, ya sell it, ya still got it!

What's the difference between a Jew and a Canoe?
A canoe tips

How was the Grand Canyon formed?
A jew dropped a nickel in a very deep gopher hole

Have you heard about the Jewish sports car?
It stops on a dime, then picks it up

What is a Jews biggest dilemma?
Free pork

What's the object of Jewish football?
To get the quarter back.

Hows Christmas celebrated in Jewish homes?
They put parking meters on the roof.

What's faster than a speeding bullet?
A jew with a coupon.

Why do Jewish Mothers make great parole officers?
They never let anyone finish a sentence. (MY MOM IS LIKE THIS)

I'm Jewish, and I give my blessing for you all to mock Jews. Go! Go! Go!
Vlad The Impaler Wrote:Why did the chicken cross the road?
To avoid impalement!

Why did the two vampires break up?
Their relationship was at stake!

Why did my assistant quit his job?
Because I told him I would run him through if he had any problems.

What do they call the handicapped in Asia?

Ba-dum tish!

this is so sad
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