Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How much anime do you have?
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I had a quick scan to see if a thread already existed. Couldn't find one though.
I have more than anything elseYayYayYay
[Image: Myanime.jpg]
... I haz 2.6GB, the rest i straem Sadcorner
I'm currently bashing my new internet connectionNanana I've got another twenty episodes of one piece on the go and I'm getting death note and elfen lied again for the fun of it! How long will it take me to fill a 1tb network driveItchingsmile
1tb!?!?!?!? I only haz 80GB hard drive Crybaby
All my media is virtual. I HATE disks, cassettes, dvd and the like. They take too much room in my small bedroom. I has all my music, movies, everything on there. Virtual For the winPeace
MICk3Y Wrote:Virtual?
err digital then lol
How would you describe it?
... Don't know what you're talking about Dotdotdot
i have a 750gb internal and a 300gb external and a 16gb flash pen

i have about 70gb of anime maybe a bit more if i actually redownload the episodes i deleted.(i need them reconverted to psp)

then another 14-8 gb of anime for my psp

its easy to dl when i have a dl speed of 780kb/s

i don't download bleach and onje piece eps ive seen them all i just use psp-anime for them of watch the latest one and delete it
i sorta reffer to a hard drive space as virtual space. It's there but you can't see it. I'm probably muttering insanities as per usual. Just ignore my dementiaEmptyone
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