Endless Paradigm

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MrE Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:117.8GB Over 2 drives & 4 DVD Backups full

O.o I forgot about my Dvd back ups. How much do you think the whole of Dragonball, Dragonball Z and GT Would be in terms of Gig's?

Edit just had a look. Roughly 30 gig. So my total would be 130gig. nyah

pssh they don't could Hahaha

(even though DB & DBZ were good)
20 gigs on computer and about 25 DVD Backups, all full.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
MrE Wrote:
Senseito Sakura Wrote:117.8GB Over 2 drives & 4 DVD Backups full

O.o I forgot about my Dvd back ups. How much do you think the whole of Dragonball, Dragonball Z and GT Would be in terms of Gig's?

Edit just had a look. Roughly 30 gig. So my total would be 130gig. nyah

pssh they don't count Hahaha

(even though DB & DBZ were good)

Yes they do! I asked how much anime do you have. I have those on dvd and the rest on my network drive. hehe I need MOAR
About 70DVDs, + another 65GB on portable HDD. That's about 75 series or something? But I've only watched like 1/3 of what I have.

I keep everything I downloaded. Never delete anything. So when out of space, dump onto DVD. I never use streaming websites either. Only download and copy off other people.

Link to a place me and Zinga discussed how much stuff wee had. (Old data though. Have more now).
* ZiNgA BuRgA not gathering space usage data from 230+ DVDs of stuff :P
jesus... i doesn't want to count, but I have a 500GB drive just for storing anime... lol
Senseito Sakura Wrote:117.8GB Over 2 drives & 4 DVD Backups full

[Image: anime.png]

Oh right, plus this 120+ disc binder of DVDs and this spindle of finished DVDs.

[Image: Windows-1252BSU1HMDAxODMuanBn.jpg]

damn my internet.......... if it was faster i would be downloading 10+ animes right now :(
Tetris999 Wrote:damn my internet.......... if it was faster i would be downloading 10+ animes right now :(

I get my stuff mainly from other people, rather than downloading myself.

There's an anime club at the uni here, and sometimes I just go and copy stuff off people there. Got like 50+ DVDs off them. They have screening and stuff too, but I never bother going to screenings.
Assassinator Wrote:
Tetris999 Wrote:damn my internet.......... if it was faster i would be downloading 10+ animes right now :(

I get my stuff mainly from other people, rather than downloading myself.

There's an anime club at the uni here, and sometimes I just go and copy stuff off people there. Got like 50+ DVDs off them.

lol, wish i had those type of organizations here Nanana

and everybody i know who actually have anime; have it in a foreign language for subtitles! (most of the guys are korean by the way) >:3

i guess i could just take the video files and insert English into them...but then again the subtitles might probably be embedded into the video files; so it'll look messy

my god, im running around in circles here Yay but thanks for the tip assassinator
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