Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP 4.05 Firmware to be released soon!
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roberth Wrote:i rather liked that viz, it was a bit odd but got some cool images made

Cool images made????  wHAT???

Maybe i should retry it...once i started seeing wha tlooked like ant trails on the screen iw as bored and went back to visualizer 1 :-/
SchmilK Wrote:
roberth Wrote:i rather liked that viz, it was a bit odd but got some cool images made

Cool images made????  wHAT???

Maybe i should retry it...once i started seeing wha tlooked like ant trails on the screen iw as bored and went back to visualizer 1 :-/

try my custom 6th viz! in 4.01m33 FFXIII theme! i like that viz the most! ;p

anyway i got a fully working 4.05 viz set on cf 4.01m33!! :)

Gonne update the music_player.prx offsets and the visualizer.prx offsets for 4.05

The reflection picture in the viz rco can't be changed,. i think,. :(
here is the wave viz again,. lol
[Image: f_screen1m_bde1827.png]
baaah..i just looked at the newly decrypted vshmain and GRRRRR fudge sorny making all the offsets different again :(

SchmilK Wrote:baaah..i just looked at the newly decrypted vshmain and GRRRRR fudge sorny making all the offsets different again :(


Ahhyes yr jobs comeAha
I have updated the bookmark list for music_player.prx and send to Schmilk in case he is making a 4.05 offsets topic.

[Image: f_screen1m_5ef4a78.png]
Both extra 4.05 viz work fine in 4.01m33!!
now only have to update offsets for visualizer prx,. ;p
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