Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSP 4.05 Firmware to be released soon!
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It's already out on network update.
Sparker Wrote:It's already out on network update.
kool, so any word of what the other updates are?
Tetris999 Wrote:actually i love my psp, its pretty much all i need; many portable media players these days lack screen size and cost these days; whereas the psp has a huge screen, web browser, emulators, games, videos and is very cost friendly; what more do you need? :D
[Image: 286ww3n.gif]
Beautiful on my psp. Hero
Sparker Wrote:I already lost hope for the PSP.
But I'm still keeping mines because I remember the reason why I bought it.

well... I dun lost hope on PSP..... but I just lost hope on Sony PSP firmware... >_<  y the hell they make a damn update from 4.01 to 4.05 just for..... mmm... new visualizers...

sad..... Sadist
Now that 4.01M33 is out, and PSPGEN has something to reverse, wee might see them come out with a new CFW
Considering the last new visualizer was the ant farm thing that pretty well sucked...what's this updates visualizer going to be?

Oh and when o when are wee going to be able to use the official screenschot modules??
SchmilK Wrote:Considering the last new visualizer was the ant farm thing that pretty well sucked...what's this updates visualizer going to be?

Oh and when o when are wee going to be able to use the official screenschot modules??

the new viz in 4.01m33, i do need to update music_player prx offsets and visualizer offsets,. :)
There is the ripples viz,. its there,. ;p
[Image: f_screen4m_d630dc7.png]
and the wave viz:
[Image: f_screen5m_ea544a3.png]
SchmilK Wrote:Considering the last new visualizer was the ant farm thing that pretty well sucked...what's this updates visualizer going to be?

Oh and when o when are wee going to be able to use the official screenschot modules??

i rather liked that viz, it was a bit odd but got some cool images made
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