Endless Paradigm

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Roberth I agree totally. I find myself playing all the old games you mentioned and more. I also agree that I'm broken (or am I?) I will happilly play through FFVII again any time. I think it's more to do with when you enjoyed games the most. Mine was arround the time when final fantasy 7 first came out. I often play mario 64 whilst listing to my old olive album just to reminise. The game play was definatly better in the old days. Hey I play pixel junk Monsters and super stardust more than any other ps3 game I own lol. The gameplay is there so I'm addicted. MGS4 was great but it felt like I watched a movie rather than played at all. I'm not knocking it at all cause I fudging loved it!!! I really think they knailed itMadwin. Anyway yes I'm Broken...Dead
See, MGS4 is a perfect example of another point im finding aswell.

sure these games are good, but by the time they've actually loaded up ive lost my desire to play them that made me click in the first place. All my games, legit or not have CD fixes on, since a game being delayed a minute because all these security measures and checks just make me feel like a criminal, and slow waiting times to a point where i just give up

    A completely different point of mine, is that in regards to new security measures, all they do is punish the comsumer. They don't stop the pirate, who waits a few days for a fixed exe, whilst the consumer is plauged with serial numbers, online activation, CD checks and the inability to reinstall his own game on his new computer sometimes.
These rules were never meant to stop criminals. Just to stop idiots and push people in the "right" direction.
roberth Wrote:    A completely different point of mine, is that in regards to new security measures, all they do is punish the comsumer. They don't stop the pirate, who waits a few days for a fixed exe, whilst the consumer is plauged with serial numbers, online activation, CD checks and the inability to reinstall his own game on his new computer sometimes.

Soo true. I remember I bought Unreal 2004 DVD and once installed It said that there was no dvd in the drive!?! So i had to patch it. I may as well have downloaded it and I would have had the patch too lol.

Also did you notice there was no demo of metal gear. People would have been like damn I've only been playing for 10 mins and now I've just watched two hours of movie lol.

Edit. I can't bring myself to play MGS4 again. I actually want to play MGS1 again more than 4. What's wrong with me!?!?!? Hmmmmm I'll play some stardust instead.
I have been so bored with games I haven't played one in so long. Nothing seems to interest me unless I get TF2.
I havent bought a new interesting game...in a very long time.
I expect top notch quality and action when i have to pay so much for the game.

Sometimes games don't even last as long as it should.
For like 50 bucks i want something unique and long lasting that has a very good story.
Final Fantasy games are totally worth the money.
But bloated games like the Sims or Madden/sports games like wwe are pure bullchocolate. It's the same spoon with a different look. >_>

OH yeah the vote is the games. Most games are too expensive for something that is expected to be something short, simple and obvious...
I totally agree!!!!

Sometimes I don't care about the graphics - although they are a great bonus. I've gotten more and more less gamey ~

Wee need some great games that you can play over and over like, Loco Roco and Audiosurf etc!!!!

Games that grip you so that you won't want to play any other!!!
metalgear08 Wrote:Games are no longer a labor of love and creativity, they're a business machine

That's why I moved on to doujin games. I might get a Dreamcast too and start grabbing imports left and right as well.

Has anyone seen my beret?
I don't mean to sound like one of those cranky old men but...
Most games nowaday are mostly GPAHTHICKS N PHYSHICKS!!!!11

I am like Goshi where I play doujin games too.
Also doujin games have loli ^_^
I was just thinking about this today.

9 years ago would have been when I was the hardest into gaming..... I mean, I loved SNES, but PSX REALLY pulled me in.

Final Fantasy VII VIII IX, Resident Evil 1, and 2, Soul Reaver 1, and 2, Tenchu, Nightmare Creatures, Syphon Filter, Gran Turismo 1 and 2, Dino Crisis, Tony Hawks Pro Skater, Metal Gear 1 and 2, GTA3.

Also some N64 love, Mario 64, Pilotwings 64, Legend of Zelda OOT, Pokemon Snap, were games that made me go WOW.

Fuck man... those were some QUALITY GAMES.

These days,..... ummm yeah.... I anticipate the games hard.... but when they arrive, they can never seem to keep me pulled in....... boring like......
Cost is an issue... games seem overpriced compared to other forms of media....
Also there seems to be nothing "NEW".... just rehashes.
The graphics are pretty and all.... but its like plastic surgery.... they try to make these games look Perfect... but you can see the seams, and underneath there is no substance.... just emptiness.....

I also agree with Slushba132 on the fact that.... yeah maybe wee have seen the best that traditional gameplay has to offer..... maybe roberth..., guys like you and i are unknowingly waiting for the next step in gaming....... VIRTUAL REALITY. I will not start on vr... that is for another day.... lolHihi
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