Endless Paradigm

Full Version: When do you use forums?
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So i thought it would be interesting to know when people start posting and chatting on forums

for me, right now im writing this at 11:00 AM in the morning (where i live anyway) and everyone in the family is asleep

normally i don't even try using the forums when my families using the living room (but they do it alot, and my god damn computer is in the middle....) but if i do anyway, i have to keep the window SO small and block out some of your guys sigs and avatars. (you know who you are XD)

But probably the most frequent times i start posting when it is 10:00 PM and i come home from whatever i do, also this is when i make something up in photoshop

If you guys are posting right now, what time is it for you? Gongxi
It's 7pm here, but i generally post whenever I'm on the net.
It depends on how motivated I am to actually do stuff in real life, but I usually get on some time around 12 pm and I will stay on till I'm bored (sometimes the whole night) but then  I am always on later around 11pm - 4am, but I'm usually not full active past 2 because I am watching anime.

hurray for run on sentences
9:01 in the noon (PM i guess.. dunno how this AM/PM poo poo is working :D )

im using it in the school as well and i HATE it when it says "erotic paradise" in the title hehe (only in school though heh).. i know i can change it, but im just lurking in school and don't bother on logging me in
Mythos Wrote:9:01 in the noon (PM i guess.. dunno how this AM/PM poo poo is working :D )

lol 9pm is 21:00... i like the 24hour clock alot better... 12hour clock is for those who can't count to 24 LOL...  its 15:10 right now... i post when ive got something to say... could be the middle of the night... could be early in the morning...
right ther azumi.. wee got the 24 clock as well and its pwnage.. :>

so yeah.. 21:00.. 21:15 now
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
that's my work time... ^^

i have nothing to do in my work =/
It's 2:27 PM over here. I usually post whenever I have time.
post wenever im on... n e time at all
depends on the day, i just post if i log in and theres something worth replying to

If im going to hang around, its nowish (10PM)
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