Endless Paradigm

Full Version: When do you use forums?
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It's 2:04 PM here.
I post whenever im online.
Whenever. From 6:30 AM to 3:30 AM.

Right now it is 00:18
Those are the times really...

I always make a tab for EP whenever I come online. Whenever.

When I'm bored.
Sparker Wrote:When I'm bored.

I come at random times and i only log in when i see an intresting post/thread or whatever
before and after school.
Usually after 6PM.  How long I stay on depends on how busy I am...
yup im on from like 4 - 5 pm GMT till when ever i get off the computer
Chicken Strips Wrote:Usually after 6PM.  How long I stay on depends on how busy I am...

Sometimes I see you in the mornings.
its 12:31 GMT right no. i don't have to go to school atm (finished my exams) and my parents are working so i get the whole day to myself. I've made a telephone extention lead so i can get the internet in my room and download stuff all day (heaven).i generally get onto the internet at about 08:30 and finish around 15:30. I have firefox set to open a tab for ep and a tab for google as soon as it starts. generally I'll just lurk around reading through a load of the older threads...
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