I like knowing things you don't, It makes me feel powerful.
Slushba132 Wrote:NEVA!!!!!!!!!
I like knowing things you don't, It makes me feel powerful.
I thought wee were friends

Wee are, you are just the weaker friend...
j/k j/k
I just like rubbing it in
There used to be a bug that would make you senior if you joined a graphics team, I guess they fixed it.
Besides I suck to much to be in a graphics team regardless and If I were good enough, I would start my own "The Armada Brigade"
Also if Chicken Strips reads this I would like my blog to be renamed to Slushba132's Moving Castle
oops, never meant the top part, I was quoting it to see what you wrote. lol
Slushba132 Wrote:NEVA!!!!!!!!!
I like knowing things you don't, It makes me feel powerful.