Endless Paradigm

Full Version: MICk3Y for Specialist Spectators!!!!
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But if you look at it this way, if he asks, he thinks it will "push him down the list", which means it will decrease his chance of promotion as compared with if he didn't ask. (postponement is a decrease of current chance).

He says he "knows" that asking will push him down, meaning he is quite confident of that result, meaning to him, it is much more likely that it happens, than him getting promoted.

So the results of this action can be

1) decreases his chance of promotion, with a much higher chance.
2) he gets promoted, with a much lower chance.


So, is his actions worth it, you can't tell. (Different from what I originally thought actually).
I'm locking and sticking this for amusement, it's just too funny.
Don't lock it. I'm in an interesting conversation here.
Hmph... fine...

Then I'll have my amusement.
[Image: 3f3e35a5105d69e331be2ac5d8a4d0cbyl8.jpg]
trust me MICk3Y.... i tried asking for modship before... didn't work........ if you stopped post whoring so much it would be a lot better in your efforts for seniorship...... this thread won't help but i do think you deserve to be made a senior seeing as you've been here for quite a while.......
YoYo for Specialist Spectators
zllaBoYoY Wrote:YoYo for Specialist Spectators

I agree!
Nacos Wrote:
zllaBoYoY Wrote:YoYo for Specialist Spectators

I agree!

w00t w00t I was made Specialist Spectator!  First time being a senior here :)
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