Endless Paradigm

Full Version: * Charges up Divine Buster *
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* PSPkiller uses anti-magic powers because he does like KFC. Likes it a lot... *drool*

* PSPkiller goes and finds an old 80's boombox and some earmuffs. Puts on earmuffs and plays Frankie Goes To Hollywood to instantly make any attacker gay (i.e. next poster)
Slushba132 cast remedy gayness is healed
Slushba132 uses bitch Slap -18
Next Poster is Humiliated
* roberth is hurt

Damn, you got sharp nails (Also, using a bitchslap and claiming the gayness is gone...not a good combo)

Transforms into a wolf to rip next posters throat out
* PSPkiller is brutally killed my throat ripping. but through the wound the zombie virus got in.

* PSPkiller re-animates and shuffles around searching for food... (i.e. next poster)
Heh-heh, he knows not mah reputation as a zombie slayer...

* games like a grrl casts Firaga on stoopid zombie head

* games like a grrl gets marshmallows and roasts them over burning corpse, makes smores

* games like a grrl chucks tainted zombie smores at next poster

Wha!!! Wait a second

* roberth caught the virus, but it mutated on the smores and gave me vamprism

Will bite next poster
* Sparker is bitten by roberth

* Sparker hits roberth with holy cross to get him off neck

* Sparker uses danmaku bullet patterns to flood the next poster in a swarm of bullets.
* squee666 phazes
I rage.
Let me get one thing straight here...
[Image: needs_moar_desu.jpg]

*Desufies next poster
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