Endless Paradigm

Full Version: * Charges up Divine Buster *
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*rapes Jesus

* MehHakker sneaks up behind Sensei and steals desufied chocolate knife [ninja style] and squashes it on CG's face.......
* Napalms next poster

*eats napalmAaa

*brutally punches Mehhakker to deathFromabove

*gives choco knife back to senseito.Yay

* PSPkiller manages to slip poison onto the chocolate knife before its handed back to senseito

* PSPkiller brutally sodomises chaoticgamer with a piece of copper pipe, so much so that it even puts Wolf off

* PSPkiller stands around with said copper pipe, waiting...
* andrewcc uses metal gear rex's cock lazer thingy to chop next poster to bits...
* games like a grrl uses Andrewcc to block lazor

* games like a grrl throws chicken strips at next poster

* games like a grrl readies jeebus cannon
Owww!  Why'd you throw me at myself?!?!?!

ima take a bite out of choo. ^^
Chicken Strips hitting Chicken Strips!?! I think the aperture science handheld portal device had something to do with this...

either that or there is a fast food restaurant serving 6 piece combo meals
I don't like KFC.

* Sparker used more magic powers.
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