Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 4.01 M33, 4.01 M33-2, 1.50 Kernel Addon Released
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its not just Dark_Alex.. its a colloboration called Team M33... DAX is the ring leader.
really fast!
now wee wait for dc6 :D

then its arez compelEEEEEE3333375!one1
Why is there a new thread while there already is a 4.00m33 thread,.,!?
this thread is for the 1.50 kernel ?

merge please mrmod :D
Merged, Stuck, Sorted.
No savestates no update for me^^
also, in 4.01 pops (4.00 as well? I dunno, probably) there is now a memory card manager (for if you have multiple games using the same code supposedly)...but how does that benefit non CFW users...or most CFW users for that matter...
I've updated and for some reason some of my video's skip or lagg. It's really annoying.

also thanks Highboy for your app.
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