Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 4.01 M33, 4.01 M33-2, 1.50 Kernel Addon Released
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Sweet I may update not sure yet :P
Awesomeness. Will update when new Themes are done :3
Everything from 3.95 works? Why does my battery have to be dead right when 4.01 M33 is out?!?

4.01 was too easy. Just like 3.90. :-)
XanderChaos Wrote:Everything from 3.95 works? Why does my battery have to be dead right when 4.01 M33 is out?!?

I know........ that always happens to me on update day
Fantastic !!!!  

I'm hyped...  Time to start converting themes   :D
What a treat from D_A/M33 Team! Thanks!

Hope the power tools be updated for lazy ones like me...hehe.Flatterd
Cool, gonna update.
added the video
thank you ive been looking forward to this
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