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i prefer internal ones, less to carry around :P
mmzzzz..... but a external 1 can be more practical lolz.. i got a very thin 160gb ^^ and its fun stealing and dling hard on other ppl's comps
im not going to reply now cause its 6:22 in the morning and i don't have time but ill probably be bored enough at school today
by the way i always need to be the last one to speak :P or whatdya call it
Lol, too lazy to read through all that. Might do it later...
Imo everyone needs a small external drive, but you need enough internal to store everyrthing. And internal is faster and less luggage too
mmzzzz... loves my 2x 320GB internals and 1x 160gb external ^^
ye same here except 3x250 internal
i have a nice small 100gb lacie external hardrive. I don't carry much on it but more then any usb drive had to offer. :P
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(A bit irrelevant isn't it Ge64)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:dunno why, but MeGUI always crashes...
Ok. if MeGUI crashes whenever u try to start it, it could be because
1) u don't have the .Net framework. (if u have it, then see if ur one is the newest one available)
2) There is a corrupt job file. I found that if u kill the process or abort encoding operations, sometimes the jobfiles can become corrupted, and the next time MeGUI loads, it will try to load the corrupted files and crash. Just go to the folder MeGUI is installed in, and delete the "jobs" and "logs" folders, then it should work.
3) Some other problem, then i have no idea what it is.
If it crashes when u try to update it from version to (i had that problem too) then i guess u have to get the installer and install with that.
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