20/07/2008, 02:33 AM
20/07/2008, 02:39 AM
i hav the patch nnow and wad should i do? copy it into my PSP or?
20/07/2008, 10:35 AM
^^ get the 2.3 patch... place the patch folder in the GAME folder on your psp along with the 2G iso in the ISO folder make sure its an iso and not a CSO... run the patcher from the XBM under Games.. takes less then a minute to patch and don't watse your time trying to compress the game to cso cause it doesn't compress at all.. cso is same size as iso so its pointless...
to be honest its alot easier this way to patch then it was to patch FF:CC since you use the psp to do... if ya have more problems with it just ask
to be honest its alot easier this way to patch then it was to patch FF:CC since you use the psp to do... if ya have more problems with it just ask
20/07/2008, 12:20 PM
haven't been any updates for a while.......
I was told by hotgamermum they were making good progress on the remaining item descriptions.
I was told by hotgamermum they were making good progress on the remaining item descriptions.
20/07/2008, 08:36 PM
J_G_ Wrote:haven't been any updates for a while.......
I was told by hotgamermum they were making good progress on the remaining item descriptions.
Is the rest of it important? also are they planning to translate the whole game?
21/07/2008, 12:43 AM
^^ yeah, all the new weapons and armor don't have descriptions.. its not really needed but its nice to have... im guessing they did this much already so they will most likely finish it.. im not even sure if an english language version has been announced by capcom yet...
21/07/2008, 09:17 AM
they will translate the downloadable event quests? T_T
21/07/2008, 09:41 AM
^^ nope and that's because its impossible.... the DL quest are diplayed on a webpage when you download them so they would have to have access to editing that web page to change it, not gonna happen... and as far as translating after its downloaded im not sure if that's possible because people would mix and match seeing as you can only have 6 at a time.. i think they could edit the save file it uses to be in english BUT they would have to release the save file by itself and im pretty sure that's illegal so i doubt they will.. so most likely no... th patch is leagal cause it doesn't have any of capcom content, but a save file with quest downloaded and alter would not be the same thing... and who would pick the 6? you can't do 1 by 1 cause they are all stored in one save and theres about 15 missions online
21/07/2008, 11:38 AM
Azumi Wrote:^^ yeah, all the new weapons and armor don't have descriptions.. its not really needed but its nice to have... im guessing they did this much already so they will most likely finish it.. im not even sure if an english language version has been announced by capcom yet...
o ok then thanks for the info i don't really care for the description lol
also No there hasn't been any announcement about that.
22/07/2008, 06:02 AM
Azumi Wrote:^^ nope and that's because its impossible.... the DL quest are diplayed on a webpage when you download them so they would have to have access to editing that web page to change it, not gonna happen... and as far as translating after its downloaded im not sure if that's possible because people would mix and match seeing as you can only have 6 at a time.. i think they could edit the save file it uses to be in english BUT they would have to release the save file by itself and im pretty sure that's illegal so i doubt they will.. so most likely no... th patch is leagal cause it doesn't have any of capcom content, but a save file with quest downloaded and alter would not be the same thing... and who would pick the 6? you can't do 1 by 1 cause they are all stored in one save and theres about 15 missions online
so, there's any english description on the web about the downloadable quests?
edit: i found it ^^ ( http://forums.skiesofcroda.com/index.php?showtopic=36 )
enjoy too ^^