Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G - Full English Patch
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I'll make this very simple....there is a 99% chance that hell will freeze over before MHP2G gets a US release....so just go get MHP2G (i don't care how you do it), choose your patch, and use Laboko to convert your US MHF2 save file

there are two patches, one by TeamHGG, and the other by TheEndOfTimes team......while TheEndOfTimes patch has more translated, it is not too accurate...the TeamHGG patch does not have everything translated yet, but is still playable, and is done in a more professional manner....personally, i use the TeamHGG patch, but the choice is yours.....i say this because a massive flame war has erupted in the Monster Hunter community....things concerning the two teams have gotten pretty nasty, with accusations of stealing work and such...... and I personally don't care to get caught up in it....

i would give you links, but unfortunately, Skies Of Crimson, the Monster Hunter site i normally visit, has been down for days......and there are rumors that the leader of TheEndOfTimes, who has been accused of stealing work, is responsible......trust me, there's some crazy spoon going on...

anyways, if you need help with the patch or with converting your MHF2 savefile, PM me and I'll be glad to help :D

EDIT: here, i found the link to the TeamHGG website, where you can download their patcher

hey tigerfan ive been looking for the endoftimes patch, to try out but i can't find it.
did it get released ?
J_G_ Wrote:hey tigerfan ive been looking for the endoftimes patch, to try out but i can't find it.
did it get released ?

I'll be honest, use the TeamHGG patch....it's better IMO (trust me, I've tried both)

link's in my previous post
The MHF2 downloadable quest are available on 2ng G?
patch has been updated!!! get it nao!!!!
Azumi Wrote:patch has been updated!!! get it nao!!!!
Nice thanks for the update
Does this patch work on ISOs with files ripped?
maxexcloo Wrote:Does this patch work on ISOs with files ripped?

no, it will only work with the JAP UMDFull ISO (not .cso)

^^ yeah just apply it to the iso and then compress it...  and you can do it with files ripped, at least you can with the update ripped... ive done it to mine lol
nice idea never ripped my update folder
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