Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Awesome new search engine!!
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Doesn't work :p
this is pretty cool, i liek it nice find. :)
i think this idea was out a long time ago, its good to see their working on it, its looks great, just needs time to gain a bigger database, what you do find though it looks impressive, no more wasting energy on a click and bandwidth
nice... you can preview the pages in flash format :D
Its cool if your looking for something to buy, but if your looking for a specific site i prefer google..

Nevermind i didnt see the Software and Music buttons on the top. yeah im gonna start using this :D
It's called GooglePreview for Firefox.

Still cool, nonetheless.
i ll check it out
It looks cool, but i prefer simple google.
* games like a grrl looks for google logo on browser.

* games like a grrl does not find google logo on browser

* games like a grrl goes to get shotgun to blast search engine outta mah computer

Ehh, potential is there, ah guess, I'll check it out in a couple months.
Looks cool, but that's about it.

Doesn't score too well in the practical scale unfortunately...

Maybe in the distant future (or maybe not), but it'll have to have less glamor - you really can't read poo poo all on those previews...
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