It is not working for me.... yet..!!!!!!!
haha,..i guess it will be a problem for some users lol
dude that's freakin awesome
Mc Cabe Wrote:haha,..i guess it will be a problem for some users lol
people on dial up, will take way longer than any other search engine to load, so they won't use as much, if at all.
What's your problem?
I am using wifi... don't know what I am connected to apart from that..
:S What on the PSP?
Im on wireless and it's fine :S
will it be a match for the all powerful Google????
wee will have to wait and see
it won't be a match any time soon because they use flash, and psp,iphones and ipod touches and anything other device that does not have a browser that supports flash won't be able to use it. If they had a ajax version then that would rival google. But not flash, its a good idea though i like the way it highlights the words