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GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
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Post: #1
GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
[Image: headersc7.png]
Note: This Guide is NOT under construction anymore!

This is the full guide for fully changing the PSP's XMB (Cross Media Bar) Menu.
[Image: barys2.gif]


[Image: barys2.gif]

The Guide:
  1. Custom Volume Bars
  2. Custom XMB Name Labels
  3. Custom XMB Icons
  4. Custom XMB Font
  5. Custom XMB Battery
  6. [anchor=squee666Custom XMB Waves[/anchor]
  7. Custom XMB Sounds
  8. Your Background with Wave
  9. Custom Busy Icons
  10. Load Gameboot from MemoryStick
  11. Your own website link in XMB
  12. Custom Coldboot Text
  13. Custom Gameboot Text
  14. Network update Homebrew Launcher
  15. Custom USB Sliding Bar
  16. Custom Home Screen

1. Custom Volume Bars (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD  ZiNgA BuRgA's RCO Editor

Run the program:
[Image: rcoeditbs7.jpg]

Then select: Open RCO...
Now open a decrypted version of the impose_plugin.rco, download one here.
[Image: rcoopenedju5.jpg]

Now click one of the images to view them in the preview screen.
When you found the one that you like to edit click extract and save it in the folder you want.
Now open the file in a image edit program (eg. the gimp, photoshop) and change it to the icon you want, make sure you keep the dimensions and the color depth the same.
When you changed the icon, press Replace in the RCO Editor, and select the file you changed.
(Do not use MSPaint or Paint Shop Pro 9 for this, this programs cannot keep the color depth right. Use The Gimp or Photoshop, these work both fine.)

[Image: bol.gif]Backup impose_plugin.rco first!

Flash the file impose_plugin.rco to f0:\vsh\resource. (Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0)
NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: imposeflashwi1.jpg]

Download and view some premade Volume Bars here: Custom XMB volume bars
[Image: barys2.gif]

2. Custom XMB Name Labels (Custom firmware 3.02/3.03)

This can be done with the most HEX Editors, but I will explain two, Hex Workshop and XVI32:

Hex Workshop
[Image: bol.gif]Download Hex Workshop.

Open a decrypted version of the topmenu_plugin.rco in Hex Workshop. (Download a decrypted one here)
Now find your language (the one you use on your psp), its seperated by dots, like G.a.m.e.
[Image: hexselectedyc7.jpg]

Once you find your language, you can edit the text.
Example is in the picture:
[Image: hexchangedlx6.jpg]
NOTE: You must keep number of characters the same, and you need to keep the dots (00 Bytes) on the same place EG.
RIGHT: G.a.m.e. » O.M.F.G.
WRONG: G.a.m.e » L.o.L.o.L.o (Too long)
WRONG: G.a.m.e. » Game  (No dots)
And to make text shorter you can use spaces like, G. . . .

Once you are done with editing all the text, save the file.

[Image: bol.gif]Backup topmenu_plugin.rco first!

Flash the file topmenu_plugin.rco to f0:\vsh\resource. (Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0)
NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: topmenuflashux5.jpg]
[Image: bol.gif]Download XVI32.

Open a decrypted version of the topmenu_plugin.rco in XVI32. (Download a decrypted one here)
Now find your language (the one you use on your psp), its seperated by ? (00 Bytes), like G?a?m?e?
You can edit all text you see, but the marked text is only the basic text:
[Image: xvitopmenuuw9.jpg]

Once you find your language, you can edit the text.
NOTE: You must keep number of characters the same, and you need to keep the ? on the same place EG.
RIGHT: G?a?m?e? » O?M?F?G?
WRONG: G?a?m?e » L?o?L?o?L?o (Too long)
WRONG: G?a?m?e? » Game  (No ?)
And to make text shorter you can use spaces like, G? ? ? ?

Once you are done with editing all the text, save the file.

[Image: bol.gif]Backup topmenu_plugin.rco first!

Flash the file topmenu_plugin.rco to f0:\vsh\resource. (Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0)
NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: topmenuflashux5.jpg]

[Image: barys2.gif]

3. Custom XMB Icons (Custom firmware 3.02/3.03)

You can customize your XMB Icons with two different programs, the first one that I mention here is the easiest (xmbPackager), the second one is a little harder (ZiNgA BuRgA's RCO Editor).

(xmbPackager, only edit the Settings, Photo, Music, Video, Game, Network icons)
[Image: bol.gif]Download the  xmbPackager v0.3.

Once you extracted the zip file, open up the folder.
[Image: xmbpackfh9.jpg]

Now select 'sets' and choose your icons (or make icons yourself, do this by opening a picture in the 'sets' folder and edit it, then you have the right format).
Now copy the icons you want to the folder 'icons', and run 'start.cmd'.
Select your firmware (3.02 (Option C) can be used for 3.03 also, but not for 3.10), and press enter.
[Image: startcmdtw1.jpg]

[Image: bol.gif]Backup topmenu_plugin.rco first!

Flash the file topmenu_plugin.rco to f0:\vsh\resource. (Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0)
NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: topmenuflashux5.jpg]
(ZiNgA BuRgA's RCO Editor, edit every icon)
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD  ZiNgA BuRgA's RCO Editor
[Image: bol.gif]Get a decrypted version of the topmenu_plugin.rco. (Download a decrypted one here)

Run the program:
[Image: rcoeditbs7.jpg]

Then select: Open RCO...
Open a decrypted version of the topmenu_plugin.rco  (Download one here)
[Image: rcoedittopmenuta7.jpg]

Now you will see a list of all the icons that you can edit.
You can click one of the images to view them in the preview screen.
When you found the one that you like to edit click extract and save it in the folder you want.
Now open the file in a image edit program (eg. the gimp, photoshop) and change it to the icon you want, make sure you keep the dimensions and the color depth the same.
When you changed the icon, press Replace in the RCO Editor, and select the file you changed.
(Do not use MSPaint or Paint Shop Pro 9 for this, this programs cannot keep the color depth right. Use The Gimp or Photoshop, thesework both fine.)

[Image: bol.gif]Backup topmenu_plugin.rco first!

Flash the file topmenu_plugin.rco to f0:\vsh\resource. (Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0)
NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: topmenuflashux5.jpg]
[Image: barys2.gif]

4. Custom XMB Font (All Custom firmwares)

3.02/3.03 OE
[Image: bol.gif]Get a Custom font, you can find a lot in the Custom Fonts Section.
[Image: bol.gif]Get X-Flash

Once you got your font place it in the folder '__SCE__XFLASH\XFlash\Modified' make sure the  font name is 'ltn0.pgf'.
[Image: modifiedfolderqe7.jpg]

Now put both folders (%__SCE__XFLASH and __SCE__XFLASH) in the GAME folder (if kernal is set to 1.5 in the recovery menu) or in the GAME150 folder (Default).

Now turn on your PSP and start X-Flash.
Once the program is fully loaded, select this option:
Once the font is flashed, close X-Flash and restart the PSP, now you will have your new font.
3.10 OE
[Image: bol.gif]Get a Custom font, you can find a lot in the Custom Fonts Section.

Get into Recovery mode » Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0).
[Image: bol.gif]Backup font file(s) first!

Put your font file (ltn0.pgf) in f0:\font.
NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: fontflashwp5.jpg]

Restart the PSP, you will now have you custom font.
[Image: barys2.gif]

5. Custom XMB Battery (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD  ZiNgA BuRgA's RCO Editor

After you extracted the files, open the RCO Editor.
Then select: Open RCO...
Now open a decrypted version of the system_plugin_fg.rco, download one here.
[Image: systemfgopeniy6.jpg]

Now click the first image (The battery image, as you can see above), and click Extract... , now save it in the folder you want.
Now open the file in a image edit program (eg. The Gimp, Photoshop) and change it to the battery icon you want, make sure you keep the dimensions and the color depth the same.
It can be a little tricky to get the battery you make, on the the right place, so I suggest to make your battery within the red area I made (It can be longer in width, but I suggest you keep the height the same).
(Do not use MSPaint or Paint Shop Pro 9 for this, this programs cannot keep the color depth right. Use The Gimp or Photoshop, these work both fine.)
When you changed the battery, press Replace in the RCO Editor, and select the file you changed.

[Image: bol.gif]Backup system_plugin_fg.rco first!

Flash the file system_plugin_fg.rco to f0:\vsh\resource. (Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0)
NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: systemfgflashdh1.jpg]

[anchor]squee666/anchor]6. Custom XMB Waves (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD  XMBWave Editor
[Image: bol.gif]Hex Workshop.

Once you unpacked 'XMBWaveEdit.rar', open system_plugin_bg_deflate.bin in a hex editor.
(I suggest you backup the system_plugin_bg_deflate.bin file, because if you mess it up you need to download it again or extract it again.)
Once you opened it, select Edit » 'goto' (Ctrl+G).
[Image: hexgotopg1.jpg]

Now choose one of those decimals:
Decimals you can edit for:
[Image: bol.gif]Colour: 7767 to 7841
[Image: bol.gif]Shape: 528 to 946 don't edit too much because if you do, the wave will disappear or become crazy.
[Image: bol.gif]Colour and Contrast: 7653 to 7766

Note: Decimals are in pairs of two so, 03, 05, FF.....
Decimals can be changed from 01 through FF!
Make sure you edit the right decimals, you can find these numbers on the left.

[Image: decnumbum3.jpg]

Example for Colour: 7767 to 7841
[Image: wavecolourdg6.jpg]

Once you changed everything you want, save the file.
Now run 'start.bat' and your new system_plugin_bg.rco will be created.

[Image: bol.gif]Backup system_plugin_bg.rco first!

Flash the file system_plugin_bg.rco to f0:\vsh\resource. (Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0)
NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: flashsystembgeo5.jpg]

8. Your Background with Wave (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
This is the easiest mod in my whole tutorial!
*Warning: Some icons can be acting weird if you do this mod, however you can change this back by placing the old background back.*

Just get your picture (480x272 This is Full Screen), then open it in a image editing program (MS Paint also work),   resize it to 352x199 and save it as 01-12.bmp.
Here are some links for backgrounds:
[Image: bol.gif]Link 1
[Image: bol.gif]Link 2
[Image: bol.gif]Link 3
[Image: bol.gif]Link 4

[Image: bol.gif]Backup 01-12.bmp first!

Flash the file 01-12.bmp to f0:\vsh\resource.
Get into Recovery mode » Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0).

NOTE: If there is something wrong with the picture somehow, it will appear blank/white.
[Image: 1tot12flashpi0.jpg]

*Does this not work right?
Try replacing your background with the background in this download (Just cut and paste) and resize it to 352x199:
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD
[Image: barys2.gif]

9. Custom Busy Icons (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD ZiNgA BuRgA's RCO Editor

After you extracted the files, open the RCO Editor.
Then select: Open RCO...
Now open a decrypted version of the system_plugin_fg.rco, download one here.
[Image: rcoeditsystemfgbusywp8.jpg]

Now click the image [img]tex_busy (The busy image, as you can see above), and click Extract... , now save it in the folder you want.

Now open the file in a image edit program (eg. the gimp, photoshop) and change it to the icon you want, make sure you keep the dimensions and the color depth the same.

(Do not use MSPaint or Paint Shop Pro 9 for this, this programs cannot keep the color depth right. Use The Gimp or Photoshop, these work both fine.)

You need to replace your animation with the original.
Example of hue and saturation changed icons:
[Image: busyimageem1.jpg]

When you changed the animation, press Replace in the RCO Editor, and select the file you changed.
(If the program stops you from replacing, try to save it in 256 colours, or convert the picture to that number of colours.)

[Image: bol.gif]Backup system_plugin_fg.rco first!

Flash the file system_plugin_fg.rco to f0:\vsh\resource.
Get into Recovery mode » Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0).

NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: systemfgflashdh1.jpg]
[Image: barys2.gif]
[Image: barys2.gif]

11. Your own website link in XMB (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD htmlviewer_plugin.prx
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD PSP Filer
[Image: bol.gif]Download Hex Workshop.

Place the both folders (%__SCE__Filer + __SCE__Filer) in ms0:\PSP\GAME150.
Now place htmlviewer_plugin.prx in ms0:\ (The root of your memorystick)
-Now open  htmlviewer_plugin.prx in a hex editor.
Press Ctrl+G and press HEX now enter offset 962C and press Go.
Now edit this in the right screen:
[Image: htmlvieplugea2.jpg]

[Image: bol.gif]htmlviewer_plugin.prx  first!

This looks a bit long but it acutally takes only 5 minutes or even less.

-Start PSP Filer
(If you get chinese language, press Select, O, [], X)
-Now select htmlviewer_plugin.prx in the list
-Now press X and then O to copy it to the ramdisk
-Once there is a message that sais: '1 file(s) copied' press O
-Press start until you see this in the left-top corner of the screen: file:[flash0:/]
-Select vhs and press O
-Now select nodule and now press this buttons:
Left trigger + D-Pas left + right trigger (Now your in 'Hacker' mode)
-Press X and then D-Pad Left to move the file.
-Now press O to replace it.
-Press O again to close the message.
-Close the program
[Image: barys2.gif]

12. Custom Coldboot Text (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD ZiNgA BuRgA's RCO Editor

After you extracted the files, open the RCO Editor.
Then select: Open RCO...
Now open a decrypted version of the opening_plugin.rco, download one here.
[Image: openingcoldbootpw7.jpg]

Now click 'tex_logo' as I did in the picture above, and click Extract...
Now select the folder where you like to save this picture, and give it a name.

Now open it in a image editing program.
(Do not use MSPaint or Paint Shop Pro 9 for this, this programs cannot keep the color depth right. Use The Gimp or Photoshop, these work both fine.)

Note: You can only use 256 colours to draw/write what you want.
[Image: openingcoldboottextrt3.jpg]

When you are done with editing, click Replace... in the RCO Editor, and select the picture you edited.

[Image: bol.gif]Backup opening_plugin.rco first!

Flash the file opening_plugin.rco to f0:\vsh\resource.
Get into Recovery mode » Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0).

NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: openingflashre4.jpg]
[Image: barys2.gif]

13. Custom Gameboot Text (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD ZiNgA BuRgA's RCO Editor

Extract all the files from 'RCOEdit112b.rar' and then open the RCO Editor.
Then select: Open RCO...
Now open a decrypted version of the opening_plugin.rco, download one here.
[Image: openinggamebootal7.jpg]

Now click 'tex_psp_logo' and click Extract...
You now get a screen that let you save this picture, now just select the folder you want and name your picture.

Once you saved your picture, open it in a image editing program.
(Do not use MSPaint or Paint Shop Pro 9 for this, this programs cannot keep the color depth right. Use The Gimp or Photoshop, these work both fine.)

Note: You can only use 256 colours to draw/write what you want.
[Image: openinggameboottextvw0.jpg]

When you are done with editing, click Replace... in the RCO Editor, and select the picture you edited.

[Image: bol.gif]Backup opening_plugin.rco first!

Flash the file opening_plugin.rco to f0:\vsh\resource.
Get into Recovery mode » Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0).

NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: openingflashre4.jpg]
[Image: barys2.gif]

14. Network update Homebrew Launcher (All Custom firmwares)

Click to Expand
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD update_plugin.prx
[Image: bol.gif]DOWNLOAD a hex editor (Hex Workshop and XVI32 are almost the same)

Open the Hex Editor and click Edit » Find... (Just search for Find in XVI32)
Now a search box will show up and then type GAME.
[Image: findgameupdateqr7.jpg]

Now click OK.
(Maybe you get a message like this:
[Image: updatemessagecl5.jpg]
Just click OK.)

Once it found GAME, you will see this:
[Image: hexupdateda5.jpg]

This is the path where the 'Network Update' will run the file from.
Just edit the path between the red lines that you see in the picture above.
Now click Save (Ctrl+S)

[Image: bol.gif]Backup update_plugin.prx first!

Flash the file update_plugin.prx to f0:\vsh\nodule.
Get into Recovery mode » Advance » Toggle USB (Flash0).

NOTE: This can brick your psp, check ''The Guide for if anything goes wrong'' for more information.
[Image: flashupdatevr5.jpg]

To Reboot AND Shutdown your PSP instead of running homebrew, try to flash this PRX (To install check the THIRD part): DOWNLOAD
Note: To Shutdown: Hold 'L' while clicking the Network Update icon.

[Image: barys2.gif]

15. Custom USB Sliding Bar (All Custom firmwares)

** Coming soon! **

[Image: barys2.gif]

16. Custom Home Screen (All Custom firmwares)

** Coming soon! **

[Image: barys2.gif]

The Guide for if anything goes wrong:
1. Recovery Menu

[Image: barys2.gif]
What the hell is a brick?
A bricked PSP is one in which the firmware has been corrupted so that the PSP will no longer start up.
Bricking usually occurs when a homebrew application is incorrectly installed, or a system update is interrupted while in progress.
[Image: barys2.gif]

You bricked your psp, and the only thing you can do is getting into the Recover Menu, what now?
First check some things:
  • The PSP is fully charged and still connected to the charger.
  • You have a folder called: RECOVERY in ms0:\PSP\GAME\ so (ms0:\PSP\GAME\RECOVERY).
  • You have downloaded the Official SONY 1.5 update
  • You have the Official SONY update of the firmware that you want to use for your custom firmware, this can be firmware 3.02/3.03/3.10, nothing else.

Now the Instalation/Recovery:
1. Download the installer for the custom firmware you want. (3.02/3.03/3.10)
2. Copy the EBOOT.PBP in the map named 'oeupdmaker' to the RECOVERY folder.
3. Rename the EBOOT.PBP from firmware 1.5 to 150.PBP
4. Rename the EBOOT.PBP from firmware you want to eg.
[Image: bol.gif]3.02 » 302.PBP
[Image: bol.gif]3.03 » 303.PBP
[Image: bol.gif]3.10 » 310.PBP
5. Place BOTH of these files in the RECOVERY folder, just like you did with the EBOOT.PBP.
6. Now you have 3 files files in the RECOVERY folder: EBOOT.PBP, 150.PBP and the other firmware pbp.
7. Run the EBOOT.PBP by getting into the Recovery menu (Press R at startup), and select: 'Run program at'.

1. Remove the 3 files in the RECOVERY folder.
2. Copy the EBOOT.PBP, from the folder ***oeflasher, to the RECOVERY folder. (*** means the version of the custom firmware)
3. Copy the data.dxar (This files is created by the program that you ran earlier, the file is in the root of your MemoryStick), to the RECOVERY folder.
4.  Now you have 2 files files in the RECOVERY folder: EBOOT.PBP and the DATA.DXAR.
5. Run the EBOOT.PBP by getting into the Recovery menu (Press R at startup), and select: 'Run program at'.
6. The program will now flash the custom firmware.

You are done now, your psp is fully recovered.

[Image: barys2.gif]

Guide:                     SXForce
RCO Editor:             ZiNgABuRgA
X-Flash:                  Art
xmbPackager v0.3:  Kgsws
Hex Workshop:        BreakPoint Software
XVI32:                    Christian Maas

Note: You can click on a application name to view more details about it.

Original posted at PSP-HACKS.COM
(This post was last modified: 31/12/2007 09:19 AM by SXForce.)
20/02/2007 03:35 AM
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #2
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
Thanks a lot for the wonderful guide, SXForce :)
20/02/2007 04:40 AM
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Former Admin ;)

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Post: #3
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB

[Image: ub1985584.jpg]
20/02/2007 05:50 AM
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Post: #4
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
New Guide!

+Custom XMB Waves Guide Added
21/02/2007 06:34 AM
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Post: #5
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
cool nice work

21/02/2007 12:12 PM
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eXemplar paraDigm

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Post: #6
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
Thank u very much for all ur effort.

That's really great :)

[Image: unicef320x41thumbnail.gif]

[Image: bizsparkstartup.jpg]
22/02/2007 12:52 AM
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Paradigmatic Apprentice

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Post: #7
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
nice guide mate i don't really need nut i can deffinatly see it coming in handy for many other people out there
22/02/2007 07:22 AM
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Super Lame Productions

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Post: #8
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
This is a nice guide,

but I don't really give about customizing my XMB
but alot of other people do.


22/02/2007 09:42 PM
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Gener.:.L JWS

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Post: #9
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
Hey you think you or someone could add maybe a part to make your own gameboot screen branding. I've got an idea down, but once I tried it. The text image came out real choppy. I'm still trying to become more fluent with PS CS2 aswell.
04/03/2007 07:31 PM
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Post: #10
RE: GUIDE: Fully customize your XMB
-J0kR- Wrote:Hey you think you or someone could add maybe a part to make your own gameboot screen branding. I've got an idea down, but once I tried it. The text image came out real choppy. I'm still trying to become more fluent with PS CS2 aswell.

Updated ;)
(This post was last modified: 28/03/2007 02:00 AM by SXForce.)
25/03/2007 04:03 AM
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