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How do you run PSX on 5.50GEN-D2 ?
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Paradigmatic Apprentice

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Post: #1
How do you run PSX on 5.50GEN-D2 ?
Well i am not really in the psx scene so i have no idea how to run them EBOOTS on GEN.
Do i just copy the EBOOT.PBP in a folder and then place the folder in PSP/GAME ?

Correct me if i am wrong.
And please tell meh what to do.

Thank you

[Image: ixcm02.jpg]
PSP:–» 5.50GEN-D2.
[Image: b_350x20_CFFFFFF-FFFFFF-000000-454545.png]
C'mOn iN ! :)
(This post was last modified: 15/11/2009 05:13 AM by iCon^.)
15/11/2009 05:05 AM
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Paradigmatic Apprentice

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Post: #2
RE: How do you run PSX on 5.50GEN-D2 ?
Never mind, got it.

[Image: ixcm02.jpg]
PSP:–» 5.50GEN-D2.
[Image: b_350x20_CFFFFFF-FFFFFF-000000-454545.png]
C'mOn iN ! :)
15/11/2009 05:41 AM
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Sweet Dreams

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Post: #3
RE: How do you run PSX on 5.50GEN-D2 ?
LOL...... and with that.. good night everyone!


15/11/2009 05:54 AM
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