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a dream gaming bedroom.
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a dream gaming bedroom.
ok, my dad is going to build a house for our family. let's skip all the other stupid stuffs and get straight to the points:
what is it that i need for a dream gaming bedroom?

list i have so far
-a decent TV, most likely easy to get since my dad supply stuffs for LG. wee get a new one every year for being a good supplier.
-i have my ps3, possibly gonna get a wii as well, when I'm in japan that is.
-a whole lot of power plugs around the room, at least 4 near the bed, and 6 near the TV. chargers, lamp, laptop, speakers and alot more.
-two of those awesome comfy chair, which I'm not sure which one yet, because it will be a while till the house is finished. (they gonna start near the end of 2010)
- those awesome giant ESP cushions.
- a glass shelf for figures. model, (most likely I'll get a whole lots of gundams and stuffs.
- the hard copies of the game is gonna be in a cabinet next to the TV.
- hmmph posters and figures.
- a glass desk.
- a small something to put my handheld stuffs on in the middle of the room. possibly gonna be a round glass table. (may be this will replace the desk as well, now that i think about it)
- a small fridge, full of beer and coke and bla bla bla :D
- a big trash bin. since i know i gonna be too lazy to empty it everyday.
- there will (hopefully not) be dakimura and stuffs.
- air conditioner!
- a cool secondary lighting system so i can turn off the main light when i play games.
- a small rest room with toilet and a sink, for me and me only. it's pretty annoying when you have to leave the room in the middle of a game.

I'm thinking/haven't decided about:
- main lighting, haven't decided on what to use.
- floor, usually people use uhhh bricks (can't remember the word for it) here, but i don't know, may be a mat, or wooden floor.
- type of bed, possibly double, metal frames (people usually use wooden ofc)
- windows/doors type. possibly blur glass for window, and slide door?
- color for the room, may be light yellow,white.
- I'm thinking about some glass on the wall for the posters, with shiny metal for the posters, because i know i might change the posters from time to time. or may be not.
- may be, a giant "EP" in awesome font on the wall, for decoration purpose. i mean, what can be more awesome than two random letters on the wall that no one know double you tee eff it means? :P

as you can see from my sigs and stuffs, i love transparency, so yeah. i want my room to be like that too.

hmmphh more ideas/suggestion would be awesome. :P
(the room size is possibly what i want, but i don't like it too big, around 30m2?  would be enough)
i don't really want it to be themed or anything, because i change my idealism pretty often. apart from being a gamer lol. (hopefully that won't change)

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
(This post was last modified: 29/12/2009 06:36 AM by Kana.)
29/12/2009 06:32 AM
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Post: #2
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
power plugs all around the room is a plus as well as pre wired speaker wires for 7.1 surround sound and ethernet!!

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
29/12/2009 07:57 AM
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Post: #3
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
yes yes yes! :D I'll have some kind of covers for all the cables, don't really want another wireweb :P and oh yeah forgot about ethernet cables.

* Kana takes notes.

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
(This post was last modified: 29/12/2009 08:00 AM by Kana.)
29/12/2009 07:59 AM
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Paradigmatic Apprentice

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Post: #4
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
you could get that power mat thing...that you put rechargable things on it and it could get

[Image: darkhackermustang.png]
29/12/2009 09:05 AM
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Consume In Small Portions

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Post: #5
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
but that thing sucks, you have to have giant adaptors stuck to all your gadgets
29/12/2009 09:13 AM
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J'adore le paissons
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Post: #6
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
30m2?? that's massive. my room is only 10ft sq
are you sure you mean meters???

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29/12/2009 09:15 AM
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Post: #7
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
oh poo poo, my estimation was wrong now that i think about it =.=
around 12-15m2 may be. :P

oh yeah, those power mats.
:P got to get one right now in fact :P

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
(This post was last modified: 29/12/2009 09:39 AM by Kana.)
29/12/2009 09:37 AM
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Chief Phantom

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Post: #8
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
i think he meant 30ft sq

a table for multi (2-3) desktop computers/mac.

29/12/2009 09:44 AM
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Post: #9
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
only have one laptop and I'm planning to keep it that way =/ not much of a PC gamer myself.

[Image: snow-1.png][Image: snow-2.png][Image: Untitled-14.png]
29/12/2009 09:45 AM
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Fractal Insanity

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Post: #10
RE: a dream gaming bedroom.
get a boombox on a nice table
and a cd rack next to it.
and for your cable problem. what you do is make sure all the wires follow the wall where they can. then put a little box over them. color the box the same color as the wall, and then fasten it to the wall (nails, staples, gl00, you get the picture) just make sure you can take it back off to add moar cables, as im sure your going to be adding a lot more to your room.

[Image: 531115][Image: 76561198014212040.png]
windows Proud
29/12/2009 09:51 AM
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