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PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
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Post: #1
PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
All updated 550 bookmark lists welcome!

Kratosjohn started converting the 500 bookmarks to 550! Madwin thanks!

Quote:Thank you Davee (super sheep) and Bubbletune's for figuring out the descrambling and making us the programs and plugins!!  It's very appreciated!

Thanks to Our PRX Assassins
SchmilK, Vegetano1, Matchung, McCabe, XanderChaos, assyrianpimp09, mutevict1m, marc22, kenzodragon, and everyone else using their hex magic

Thanks to Kratosjohn/Schmilk/V1 for he 550 hbk's posted!!

VSHMAIN icon order thanks to Schmilk:
VSHMAIN Icon Order :)  There is some offset you have to change to enable this to work...i have to look it up again.

The Book mark value is 0 for not displayed -1 for displayed

The next column to the right of the bookmarked offset is the category
00 = Network Menu
01 = Network Menu for Network Configuratino Icon Only
04 = Photo Menu for Camera
05 = Game Menu
06 = Network Menu
07 = PSN Menu

The next column is the icon resource value
Spoiler for column:
[Image: iconorder.jpg]
OSK500 with background for 550gen 08-27-2009
Added an image entry with the alpha2 rcomage you have to add the background with rcoedit114! and the save resolution to use is 240x136 you could try larger or a 16x272 images wich will also be stretched,.
uncompressed and a compressed version so you can see whot looks like,. and yes you stll have to recompress the osk_plugin_500.rco once you edited the rco.

-144infobar files
use infobar 144x272 in
system_plugin.rco at tex_optionmenu_base
sysconfig_plugin.rco at tex_bar_side_2

Hexworkshop 6 now loads hbk lists putting floats in correct order!

Updated bookmarks and added bookmark lists!
-all offsets for playing icon size and position
-y position for music/photo/video lables
-busy icon fade in and out
-line y size! 2 offsets size and a -2 scale read ofset desription
-all position and size offsets for video icon of umd in information screen,. but not all labeled.
-all sdwn and sdwf offsets

total 17 lists:
added lists> content_browser, photoplayer, msvideo, videomain, game,

Update 7-3-2009
-vshmainNormal 12>30 backgrounds for 01-12 offset
-some small offsets i found like the y position "option icon text" and the space between unselected folders in msvideo
-added some bookmarks for the scroll folders/files into submenu,. when you enter a sub menu the files and folders come in from the right.
Spoiler for little info:
To do this there are offsets in sysconfg_plugin, photo,music,video and game prx!
in photo,music and sysconfg the original value is -130 set this to 240 to get menu's scroll from the right!(scrolls are 200)
in msvideo and game these value are push-offs and the scrolls value's are 170!
Update downalod hbk lists 7-7-2009
-VSHMAIN added offsets for playing icon in XMB x&y photo/music/video
-some other offsets in other hbk's

Update downalod hbk lists 7-12-2009
Main topic updated with Schmilks icon order(sorry being so late)
-htmlviewer_plugin550 hbk new
-rss_browser550 hbk new
added the 1seg x text position
the space between search icons and some other's

Attached File(s)
.rar  144infobar550.rar (Size: 214.65 KB / Downloads: 1121)
.rar  VSHMain(Normal)IconOrder.rar (Size: 851 bytes / Downloads: 1096)
.rar  Bookmarks550.rar (Size: 21.61 KB / Downloads: 1436)
.rar  550oskBKimg.rar (Size: 257.9 KB / Downloads: 1278)

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(This post was last modified: 27/08/2009 11:56 AM by Vegetano1.)
15/06/2009 10:35 AM
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Post: #2
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
Thanks I needed some Hihi

[Image: 218ohu.jpg]
If you want to save the penguins clix here

Whit3f4ng Wrote:I got 8 inches yesterday and another 5 today.
Punk777E Wrote:xDDDDDDDD
(This post was last modified: 02/07/2009 03:04 AM by Vegetano1.)
15/06/2009 11:24 AM
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Post: #3
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
Yeah , good. What wee will do without you guys , nice job  as always.

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15/06/2009 11:35 AM
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Paradigmatic Entity

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Post: #4
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
woot thanks! hopefully all the offsets will be found again. But it shouldn't be any trouble I guess I'll try and update a few myself. Madwin

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15/06/2009 11:44 AM
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Post: #5
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
J64 Wrote:woot thanks! hopefully all the offsets will be found again. But it shouldn't be any trouble I guess I'll try and update a few myself. Madwin

That would be great! the ones posted were all updated by Kratosjohn!

I making a new theme but not sure to make 500 or 550>? if the dayviewer plugin works on 550 then i make a 550gen theme!?

Wander wich 500 files will work 100% on 550?>? eg visualizer or OSK rco's>?

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(This post was last modified: 15/06/2009 12:15 PM by Vegetano1.)
15/06/2009 12:10 PM
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Post: #6
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
nice one
gonna port organ concept and dMONO v2 soon
mysterious theme with codename "milias" coming soon :P

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15/06/2009 12:15 PM
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Post: #7
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
My next theme will be for 550gen,. because i want the subsub folders 100% to work!

I have tried cxmb for 550 but did't work,. and also Dayviewer plugin does't work yet,.(wich i want to use/add to/for my theme)

550gen seems to be 100% stable :) nice CF! Madwin

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15/06/2009 01:47 PM
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Post: #8
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
Vegetano1 Wrote:My next theme will be for 550gen,. because i want the subsub folders 100% to work!

I have tried cxmb for 550 but did't work,. and also Dayviewer plugin does't work yet,.(wich i want to use/add to/for my theme)

550gen seems to be 100% stable :) nice CF! Madwin

i have not had problems with subfolders in 5.00 :-/  

but i too am having great success running 5.50 other than the game categories plugin that doesn't sound like it will be updated :(  and still waiting on good cxmb ;)

thanks for the start on the offsets!!  I think i might be sitting this round out due to migraines and no time :(  

XanderChaos was working on doing a 5.00 to 5.50 prx updater....but he may have quit that Dead

limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
15/06/2009 02:52 PM
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Post: #9
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
SchmilK Wrote:
Vegetano1 Wrote:My next theme will be for 550gen,. because i want the subsub folders 100% to work!

I have tried cxmb for 550 but did't work,. and also Dayviewer plugin does't work yet,.(wich i want to use/add to/for my theme)

550gen seems to be 100% stable :) nice CF! Madwin

i have not had problems with subfolders in 5.00 :-/  

but i too am having great success running 5.50 other than the game categories plugin that doesn't sound like it will be updated :(  and still waiting on good cxmb ;)

thanks for the start on the offsets!!  I think i might be sitting this round out due to migraines and no time :(  

XanderChaos was working on doing a 5.00 to 5.50 prx updater....but he may have quit that Dead

Kratosjohn did all the work! i hope to update some other hbk's if i finish my new theme,. ;p

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15/06/2009 04:06 PM
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Paradigmatic Entity

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Post: #10
RE: PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format
I was also going to start making themes for 5.50 but I'm not sure proabably wait till a a better cxmb is released. I hate having to go and changing it manually in the conf.txt

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15/06/2009 04:37 PM
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