*lol'd @ "hearty-chan."* I've seen you called -kun while pretending to be you on msn when I was at yours one day, but now chan? Khanh I don't what to think anymore. What has become of you? Was it ever since that day you wore the girl's uniform and tied your hair up? What pushed you over? MIND=BLOWN
Anyways, back on topic.
As Heartless said, Bleach was pretty cool back in the day before battles followed the same cookie cutter formula that appears to be like..
*Fight begins*
*Hero is winning*
*Villian reveals true power*
*Hero is losing*
*Hero reveals true power*
"GeeGee NOOB NO REMAKE, my power is sooo much better than yours!"
Or the alternative formula in which OUT OF NOWHERE *cough* the void *cough* comes back up. I only continue to read it cause I want to finish it just to know what actually ends up happening.
Naruto, on the other hand, is one that I love to read. Anime? Not so much, but the manga is very interesting to me. The plot in Naruto is not as bad as some people make it seem to be, though some things do make me go mad. D: I like the art style of Kishimoto's which why I also read Blazer Drive which is by Kishi's bro which has similar art (but lol ripoffs bleach/naruto everywhere.) Just my opinion but yeah.
(This post was last modified: 15/11/2009 10:21 PM by Joxaze.)
How was he angry? I mean it didn't sound very angry at all.
Joxaze Wrote:*lol'd @ "hearty-chan."* I've seen you called -kun while pretending to be you on msn when I was at yours one day, but now chan? Khanh I don't what to think anymore. What has become of you? Was it ever since that day you wore the girl's uniform and tied your hair up? What pushed you over? MIND=BLOWN
Actually, it started before that. Google "Hearty-chan", second entry.
Joomla has point; big sharp motherhumping point.
The more mainstream anime are bloated. In their desire to milk it for as much as they can, they over-extend it. And wee all know what happens to things that over-extend; they break, collapsing into a pile less than the original.
Cases in point, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach (although that's only just gotten there) and Pokemon.
My rule of thumb: If I know more than 50 14-year olds all but jizz in their pants over it, I don't want to see it. The age group can alter depending on what it is. (Example, that "Jizz in my pants" song; I hate it with a passion, simply because of the "x > 50" rule; also it's a stupid song)