I have tried to day to make multiple icon's,.
If i add 1 extra icon(for UMDgame) in topmenu_icon.rco and redirect that icon in vshmain all UMD icon's don't show!
Now i have seen a 3.71 theme that had multiple memstick icon's so i know it got to work,. but how,.. !!?
decompressing my vshmain works fine! but recompressing don't work with my vshmain from flash0m33 backup,.!?
BUT i have used the vshmain wich Bstronga made month's ago, and that works fine,.!?
PS using a compressed vshmain don't solve the multiple icon's prob,.
please help!1
EDIT: tried paf for 3.71, decompressing works,.. recompressing paf don't work,. !?(tried vsh and kernel)
same with me bro vegetano. my icons are gone as i change it on the editor, then i try to add lines using sis zinga burga rco editor but always have an error.
vinrose67 Signature
26/11/2007 06:26 PM
Able One
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I have tried to day to make multiple icon's,.
If i add 1 extra icon(for UMDgame) in topmenu_icon.rco and redirect that icon in vshmain all UMD icon's don't show!
Now i have seen a 3.71 theme that had multiple memstick icon's so i know it got to work,. but how,.. !!?
Same here extra icons added in topmenu_icon.rco (memstick,umd) don't show in XMB.:hmm:
Any help with this matter would be appreciated:yes:
rcoedit >> compression none
added icon's
The problem is not Ac_K xmb tool because i can redirect a umd icon to tex_system but not to a new added icon tex_umdgam.