Chromatic Nutjob
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I am officially fed up with Painter 9.5. At first I thought it would be a great complement to Photoshop as both open and save PSD's, but now it's simply a pain in the donkey. I keep trying to configure it to work better with my tablet's pressure sensitivity, but every time I accidentally touch some button in the brush settings it undoes all of my careful tweaking, and it screws up my picture. Plus, the brush creator is a pain in the donkey to use as well. Sure the different paint effects are cool, like the oil texture that helped me get the right look for the hair of a girl I was painting, but it's not worth it.
I think I'm just gonna uninstall it and stick with Photoshop CS3, as I figured out how to get it to do blending, plus I know how to easily make brushes, it's easy to get that "painterly" look in PS using textured brushes, meaning that Painter's one real bonus is kinda negated, and pressure sensitivity isn't a pain in the donkey to configure.
On a side note, check my dA in the next couple of days for another entry in the Pepper Project, and I think I"ll post it here too, so keep an eye out.
PSN ID: Chroma3000
My Steam Page
superdouche Wrote:TheGuy Wrote:superdouche Wrote:You need at least an 8 inch penis, that's what I heard.
Man, if I had 8 inches, I would find a better use for it :P
Like what, pushing elevator buttons?
13/02/2008 09:50 AM |